I have had a trailer come off...twice. One with chains, one without. The one with chains is pretty self explanatory. It did bang up my tailgate. The one without chains...I got lucky. I was turning a corner when it came off. the only thing it hit was the curb, and I was empty. A few years back, in my dad's town, somebody lost a pickup box trailer. It went into a front yard & mowed down a 4 year old girl
I saw another one come off it's truck. Luckily it went off into the ditch. All 4 of these were while cornering.
I know that is irrelevant to the original post....and I'm not passing judgement. I have been guilty of that one more than once....just sayin'.
I know it's kind of ass chapping being nailed for an issue that you were on your way to fix. My dad got a cracked windshield ticket once about 25 years ago...on his way to the shop for his appointment to get it fixed. He was fired up about it, but had to pay it nonetheless. I'm no law expert but you're probably screwed on the ticket. Most judges will just say...hey, you broke the law...too bad...pay up & get out. However, in the past, I have fixed the problem, then immediately gone to the county attorney's office with proof that I have rectified the situation, and have asked for the charge to be dismissed. Most often, they have counter offered a lesser charge. Just a thought.