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Great day today, not a bad week

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    SKWrapper started this thread.
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    Cool Great day today, not a bad week

    Even though I was shorted 160lbs on the scale today, note that it's SUNDAY - schtuff happens, still a great yard and open when I can sell - I did pretty well, and since I have a good relationship with that yard, it was resolved and I am more than happy.

    Today I got a screenshot proof from someone offering scrap that my methods on CL work and I am the first to respond almost every-time if I want to: "Here's all the other people that responded, I'll tell all these other people no". I don't blame her for sending it, I end up picking up things pretty often a day later or hours later from no-shows when I respond late almost knowing I am not first to respond ex. 30-45 minutes later.

    I picked up 6 incomplete scrap snowblowers from one person (carbs and something else [forgot what] missing on all of them), all the snowblowers (Toro) have aluminum engines. It's from a man that fixes and flips them, apparently he has 45 of them in his garage and no need for these, he had 7 free ones, I only picked up 6 cause he said someone else was interested in it and needed parts and it wasn't heavy, but that I could take it - also I had no more safe room on my truck and it was dark. I also got a bunch of heavy auto parts from someone on the way there. Interesting conversation with that person (snowblower guy) - I learned quite a bit about flipping Toro snowblowers.

    Before that I picked up a heavy broken front loader washer and dryer with pedestals and pigtail on the dryer, a cast iron large sink almost the length of my truck bed, a big swamp cooler and random scrap metal, grow equipment (light fixtures) Bunch of aluminum and wire on those 3 pickups (besides washer and dryer and sink for aluminum). I have seen grow equipment on CL and it never sells and I don't have time and I don't want to use the space up to try and sell them.

    So my truck is full tonight + stuff in the backyard all for tomorrow night after work and a ton (not literally but it would be nice) of non-ferrous ready to go for my almost ritual Saturday morning non-ferrous cash in, and it's not even Monday yet. I don't like to store scrap (besides non-ferrous) but things kept finding me after the yard closed today.

    Thursday night I picked up some good very low miles used snow tires for my RWD pickup from getting a "F350 bumper" from an ad on CL, he asked if I was a scrapper then unloaded a truck full of stuff, and things he got tired of trying to sell (wheels and tires) and he was in the process of moving.

    Friday night I got 240 lbs. of aluminum chairs - dirty aluminum but not "breakage" (no ferrous not even the fasteners but had rubber) - from someone that contacted me from a pickup I did in June of this year. I hadn't even planned on hunting that day but ended up doing it cause I didn't want a 75% full truck, so I got a wall oven, stainless sink with faucet and dishwasher (great for storage of small metal parts) from someone 4 miles away from the chairs for a 140% full truck see pic.

    Those were the highlights not everything I collected and not a big deal for most I suppose, especially since I only have a mid-sized truck and do this part time, but it was not a bad week at all for me... besides going to $90/ton

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    Last edited by SKWrapper; 09-09-2018 at 11:19 PM. Reason: edit

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  3. #2
    Stargate1's Avatar
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    Doesn't seem like that bad of a load to me. The yard I go to has pretty much made it almost not worth my time to take stuff. Yesterday, I took in 450lbs of scrap and aluminum. 339lbs of that was scrap. total payout on that was 8.39. Terrible. I am going to start looking for a new yard to take to even if it is just a little farther than where I want to go. I just need better prices.

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  5. #3
    in2scrap's Avatar
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    just an FYI you probably already figgered out but the front loaders have really easy to get to electric motors on the back... also I keep forgetting to ask where you take your scrap that's open on sunday. I'm down in Elizabeth, so no competition. If I get any hits in north denver I'll holler at ya

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  7. #4
    SKWrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by in2scrap View Post
    just an FYI you probably already figgered out but the front loaders have really easy to get to electric motors on the back... also I keep forgetting to ask where you take your scrap that's open on sunday. I'm down in Elizabeth, so no competition. If I get any hits in north denver I'll holler at ya

    Sounds good. Same if I get any hits near you.

    I sent you a PM
    Last edited by SKWrapper; 09-11-2018 at 09:23 PM. Reason: content change

  8. #5
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Front loaders are heavy do to concrete in them.
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

  9. #6
    SKWrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    Front loaders are heavy do to concrete in them.
    Concrete on both sides of the drum! At least the last one I opened up.

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