Even though I was shorted 160lbs on the scale today, note that it's SUNDAY - schtuff happens, still a
great yard and
open when I can sell - I did pretty well, and since I have a good relationship with that yard, it was resolved and I am more than happy.
Today I got a screenshot proof from someone offering scrap that my methods on CL work and I am the first to respond almost every-time if I want to: "Here's all the other people that responded, I'll tell all these other people no". I don't blame her for sending it, I end up picking up things pretty often a day later or hours later from no-shows when I respond late almost
knowing I am not first to respond ex. 30-45 minutes later.
I picked up 6 incomplete scrap snowblowers from one person (carbs and something else [forgot what] missing on all of them), all the snowblowers (Toro) have aluminum engines. It's from a man that fixes and flips them, apparently he has 45 of them in his garage

and no need for these, he had 7 free ones, I only picked up 6 cause he said someone else was interested in it and needed parts and it wasn't heavy, but that I could take it - also I had no more safe room on my truck and it was dark. I also got a bunch of heavy auto parts from someone on the way there. Interesting conversation with that person (snowblower guy) - I learned quite a bit about flipping Toro snowblowers.
Before that I picked up a heavy broken front loader washer and dryer with pedestals and pigtail on the dryer, a cast iron large sink almost the length of my truck bed, a big swamp cooler and random
scrap metal, grow equipment (light fixtures) Bunch of aluminum and wire on those 3 pickups (besides washer and dryer and sink for aluminum). I have seen grow equipment on CL and it never sells and I don't have time and I don't want to use the space up to try and sell them.
So my truck is full tonight + stuff in the backyard all for tomorrow night after work and a ton (not literally but it would be nice) of non-ferrous ready to go for my almost ritual Saturday morning non-ferrous cash in, and it's not even Monday yet. I don't like to store scrap (besides non-ferrous) but things kept finding me after the yard closed today.
Thursday night I picked up some good very low miles used snow tires for my RWD pickup from getting a "F350 bumper" from an ad on CL, he asked if I was a scrapper then unloaded a truck full of stuff, and things he got tired of trying to sell (wheels and tires) and he was in the process of moving.
Friday night I got 240 lbs. of aluminum chairs - dirty aluminum but not "breakage" (no ferrous not even the fasteners but had rubber) - from someone that contacted me from a pickup I did in June of this year. I hadn't even planned on hunting that day but ended up doing it cause I didn't want a 75% full truck, so I got a wall oven, stainless sink with faucet and dishwasher (great for storage of small metal parts) from someone 4 miles away from the chairs for a 140% full truck see pic.
Those were the highlights not everything I collected and not a big deal for most I suppose, especially since I only have a mid-sized truck and do this part time, but it was not a bad week at all for me... besides going to $90/ton
