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The guy who works the small scales(non ferrous) at the yard I go to has a stone face. I think that is why they put him there. He is either getting sweet talked or yelled at and his face never changes.
I try making friends with him to hopefully get my stuff graded a little higher but no. He is all business. There is one other guy who sometimes works the small scales I'm friendly with and he will grade my #2 wire higher and turn a blind eye if my brass or alum is a bit too dirty to get clean prices.
It's a similar situation when i'm doing a hand count on nickel deposit bottles that the customers bring in for redemption. The way i see it ... everybody has a personality.Some people are easier to get along with than others. Some are really difficult to deal with. It sucks to be them ... i'm so thankful that i don't have to live their life !
At the end of the day business is just business. It's got nothing to do with personality.You can't take the stupid things people do personally or it will drive you crazy.I make my best effort to be fair & impartial. I try to treat everyone that comes through with dignity and respect. See ... it's not about them and whether or not they deserve it ...it's about the kind of man i aspire to be.
The most difficult customers quickly find out that it's best not to test my limits though. I expect to be treated with dignity and respect in return. I won't hesitate to send them on their way with bottles in hand and no money in their pocket if they can't manage to be at least halfway tolerable to deal with.
~I rarely have to do that twice with someone.~