So today in line for the big scale, the guy behind me gets out of his truck and walks to my window and says "hey I can try and sneak on the scale and give you a few extra pounds if you want"..

I told him - "naw that's OK I am alright". He said "that's cool" and walked back to his truck.
I try not to judge people so I was nice but I didn't say "thanks" at the end or even "no thanks" because it was an offer to help try and steal and I don't do that, so I didn't thank him for that. It's nice I suppose that he wants to help another person but I would rather not have that kind of offer for help. By "helping" another person that way he would be stealing from the yard. Maybe he sees it as stealing from what he thinks is "the rich" and giving to what he perceives as "the poor". I get it but I do not agree with that. Thinking about it - maybe I should have said something to the yard people but I didn't.
Stuff like that are reasons (one of a few) why I take all my receipts with me and not throw them away at the yard. Everyone's full name, address, license plate and drivers license number is on that receipt (depending on the yard) and who knows what some people also do for $$ ya know?