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Elliptical.. Heavy?

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    SKWrapper started this thread.
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    Elliptical.. Heavy?

    So far I picked up a comically large water heater thinking it wouldn't be heavy, Sunday I pickup an extremely heavy broken elliptical machine half disassembled that I thought would have been light as well.

    If it had been completely assembled, I would have had to take it apart anyway to lift it into the truck cause' even the pieces including the bolts were heavy, the largest piece took 2 of us to get it in there. Everything in the back there is just the elliptical and parts and my dolly. I had a few other things I put on the truck, a broken down steel porch swing, 4 iron basement window covers, a small iron fire-pit the size of a trashcan, 4 struts, a brake rotor, 2 control arms, some steel table legs and a mower. 760lbs for just the ferrous. I had some aluminum, wire and circuitboards that were laying in my backyard from when my truck was down last week that I cashed in as well so it was a decent payout.
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    Last edited by SKWrapper; 10-15-2018 at 11:11 PM.

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