Just a note: the manager could call the police on you ...
Opining mail not addressed to you can land you in jail for up to 5 years and/or up to a $250,000 fine
( Federal title 18, Part 1, Chapter 83 )
I think if its his address, it would be awful hard to convict him given that he could say he saw he saw the address first and never really realized who it was addressed to. But, with further explanation by the OP, he has admitted he knew it was this company's mail. The chances, however, that a federal prosecutor bringing up charges, with it being a federal law, is pretty slim. Lots of prosecutor digression on the typical federal attorney side.
If the OP has an informal agreement to screen the company's mail that ends up in his mailbox, then probably not an issue but I would get it to them as fast as possible. I would just mention in my leaving that I still scrap. Might work. Then again, it might not. The OP may also be the first person that the company's management thinks of when stuff they are expecting in the mail doesn't show up. Maybe a two-edge sword kind of deal. Good luck in how it turns out.