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I Got a $15,000 Check Meant for Someone Else - Page 2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    CFoote's Avatar
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    I agree with APA. The manager is just an employee. All he cares about is HIS job. Get around the gatekeeper and go see the owner.

    Christopher Foote
    Operations Manager, REWORX of North Alabama a 501(3)C non-profit Company
    Office: 256.260.1791
    Cell: 256.606.5604

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  3. #22
    pjost's Avatar
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    Don't mean to one-up the OP, but this happened to me once. 2 blocks over was 707 North Andersen and I was 707 North Greffen. I just tear open the mail assuming it's mine if it's in my box. Check for $100,000 even. I walked it over to the rightful owner, and he thanked me several times over. Next day or two later he brought me a $50 Red Lobster card and a $50 Applebee's card! Eatin' good in the neighborhood.
    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

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  5. #23
    recyclersteve started this thread.
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    Well I wanted to update everyone on what happened. I met with the two owners and also the guy I took the $400 check to several months back. Both checks were from the same customer. They were happy to get the check, but didn't give me a gift card or anything like that. Nobody seemed even the least bit upset about my opening the letter. I assured them that even if the check was $1 million, I still would have brought it over to them. One of the guys said he would have his crew save any extra wire they come across for me. He said they frequently have sections of 20 feet or less that are too short for them to use, even in a home installation (high end audio and security is their business). They have my contact information. We'll see how it works out. The experience was much better this time than last time. Maybe that is because both owners knew I was giving them a check for $15k. Time will tell...

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  7. #24
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    I hope it works out well for you. Who knows, even though they might not have a lot of scrap they can give you, never know how things network over time from maybe people they know and they mention this story to. There's lots of inter-connections out there...

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