Originally Posted by
IT consulting?....What exactly does this consist of?......Is this lucrative?........Seems like a good way to get
Anything and everything IT...
Specifically for one client, camera surveillance system with remote access, server hardware upgrade/replacement, VPN setup, database upgrade, Microsoft Active Directory migration, fix laptop and desktop issues, to name a few things.
It pays very well - I don't want to be specific on a public forum, never know who's reading. I still haven't looked for any scrap in a while but have been responding to my "regulars" and picking up, cleaning/separating then storing in my back yard. I am glad no one contacted me this weekend. It's been below zero Fahrenheit and plenty of snow, still plenty on the side streets etc.. and my 2WD truck... I can but would rather not drive it if I don't have to in the deep snow or on ice.