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Maybe I should be more clear. We are reorganizing our warehouse and mainly do electronics scrap. I'm trying to figure out how people organize and what bins they use. Problem is our warehouse is only maybe 700sqft and always a disaster full of scrap.
I sort my material into the following categories:
Initial Sort (when material first comes in the door)
1. separate initial material into the disassembly and resale/reuse piles. Disassembly items are for units that are either: 1. too old to sell 2. do not sell for enough money 3. are physically damaged 4. have failed testing
*I also have a few additional bins/boxes set up around the disassembly area for wire, steel, plastic, etc.
2. Reuse items are taken to a different area as far away as possible from the disassembly area (it helps reduce any misunderstanding). Items are tested and sorted into the following 4 categories:
a. passed testing
b. failed testing (units are then taken to the disassembly area for processing)
c. failed testing, but still can be sold for parts
d. failed testing, but plan on refurbishing the unit. (usually for units with puffed/blown capacitors)
*on every unit that has gone through testing I label the results. It is extremely annoying when you have to retest something because you didn't label it the first time....or sometimes the third or fourth time
Another thing I like to do is keep 1 wall or 1 shelf completely clear of any electronics. This area is where I put all my boxes of cleaned circuit boards. This helps when you are getting ready to ship your boards out to a buyer so you don't leave any small amount behind.