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Think I got a good deal today! PC/electronics scrap

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    kss started this thread.
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    Think I got a good deal today! PC/electronics scrap

    I got a bunch of stuff from a guy off craigslist for $80. Seemed like a win/win since he got to clear out space which he said he needed. I weighed out the PCs/Laptops/Phones and paid $0.20/lb for them, which came out to about $60 by weight. I wasnt really interested in the rest of the stuff he had, but asked what price he wanted for the rest of the non-pc/phone stuff and he said $20, which seemed worth the gamble since I didnt want to dig through it all.

    Here is a list of SOME of the stuff, havent gone through it all yet.

    10 PC towers, all in-tact, nothing ripped out
    12 laptops (all older, some missing battery, some missing hard drive)
    ~10 off-brand tablets that say that they dont work on them in tape/sharpie
    ~10 dell streak 7 tablets that also dont work
    Literal duffle bag filled with phones, cords, modems, routers, tivos, other random electronics I havent gone through yet, etc
    12 Lbs of smartphone cellphones (older, but still smartphones some blackberry, some other android brands, a lot of palm brnad phones)
    Various other boxes of electronics
    ~10 dvd or dvd/vhs combos, all but 1 worked, 3 had DVDs in them still... poop movies tho lol
    Havent weighed it out yet but probably >100 or so lbs of random wires, havent gone through them yet

    Already sold some RAM from one of the computers for $20 on ebay, so only $60 left to break even lol. Still have stuff to go through/organizes yet too. Might make some money on this, might not, still fun to take the stuff apart and find neat stuff!

    Images at:

    Not everything is pictured, just a few quick pics of some of the stuff.

    Thanks for looking!
    Last edited by kss; 06-23-2019 at 08:15 PM.

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  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Ooh you got some Steel Reserve in the load. Most valuable ferrous scrap/lb right now lol

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  5. #3
    kss started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJinLV View Post
    Ooh you got some Steel Reserve in the load. Most valuable ferrous scrap/lb right now lol
    LOL I wish that was part of the load.... had to get that myself from the store unfortunately. Seems like the appropriate drink for scrappin'. Its cheap, and has STEEL right in the name!

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