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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #81
    DakotaRog started this thread.
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    Plain Alum down to 20 cents a pound here, extruded down to 29 cents. My "farmers" market gardening/selling took most of my time this summer (all this is hobby/he money anyway) so I'm going to get my work bench organized and stuff binned up. Muskrat season starts on Nov 2, maybe do a week of coon out of my hoarding farmer's corn field before that. Need clean space to skin, flesh, and dry critter skins. Small scrap can get binned. Still on the look out for Cu, price for that here still good.

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  3. #82
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    You have to start some type of fee for removal. I just charged a client $200 to remove a commercial refrigerator that weighed 400 lbs. Do to the size of the refrigerator, it was a difficult intact removal. if they wanted it cut up and removed $375. They opted to have there employees move it closer to dock so it could be taken away for new refrigerator being delivered next day, for the $200. It was $10. at scrap facility after removal of more valuable parts.
    I can not tell you how many 1000 lbs loads of appliances that have I watch go from .07 lb to .04 to now .03.
    Reminds me of what happened in the oil reclaiming business back in the 80s when barrel oil when to $20 and used oil went from .45 a gal. to .02 gal. We started charging $20 to $30 to do pick up from stations. The difference there is you had to have a NYSDEC license to pick up oil and go to a specific transfer station and submit record of transfer to NYS.

  4. #83
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowryder View Post
    Reminds me of what happened in the oil reclaiming business back in the 80s when barrel oil when to $20 and used oil went from .45 a gal. to .02 gal. We started charging $20 to $30 to do pick up from stations. The difference there is you had to have a NYSDEC license to pick up oil and go to a specific transfer station and submit record of transfer to NYS.
    Before I ask this question, I know how some people will react to it and want to jump my @$$ for even suggesting that intentionally polluting to save a buck should be a capital offense.Let me just say, that I am IN NO WAY condoning the illegal dumping of any pollutants... but I also know that human nature is to take the cheap way out.

    So, with this question being framed from the above point of view..*phew*

    My question is: when prices of used oil started to drop down to such low levels, and you had to start charging folks to come haul off the used oil... and given that the state had at some point put up restrictions requiring licenses, documentation, and specific dropoff locations limiting who, how, when, and where a station could get rid of used oil... Didn't all those restrictions in the end have the unintended consequence of a dramatic uptick in illegal dumping?

    Looking at it from the viewpoint of an oil change shop owner, who used to actually get paid for used oil... to not getting paid, but at least free removal... to now having to pay for it to be disposed... I can see where such a guy would be tempted to just take it out to the woods somewhere at 2 AM and just dump it.

    So, the state, throwing up a gauntlet of bureaucratic restrictions aimed at curbing pollution... actually results in MORE pollution.
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  6. #84
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    No scrapper or person trying to save $$ anywhere at anytime has illegally vented anything into the atmosphere, dropped a car battery in a pond (actually no scrapper with even 1/4 a brain would do that) or otherwise disposed of any liquid improperly or illegally. *snicker* <--- that's my response if someone gets bothered by you pointing out that people intentionally pollute, cause let's face it, they do.

    Yep - I am certain it results in more pollution by making it more difficult and more expensive for people to do the right thing - oil or otherwise.
    Last edited by SKWrapper; 10-21-2019 at 03:19 PM.

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  8. #85
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Well im hearing steel prices up for November. Lets hope so or else.....or else it gets worse Lol

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  10. #86
    DakotaRog started this thread.
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    greytruck- You usually have a little better price for steel than most, I think you have an end user nearby. What is your current price for shred...?

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  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by DakotaRog View Post
    greytruck- You usually have a little better price for steel than most, I think you have an end user nearby. What is your current price for shred...?
    I can get 60/ton at the shredder yard that sells to 2 local mills. I asked one of their drivers where they take there shredded steel. One in Indiana and one about a hour south of here

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  14. #88
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    $30 Net Ton.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

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  16. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    $30 Net Ton.
    What yard? The one on 49th and Washington is still $50/ton - at least last week.

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  18. #90
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    Picked up some patio chairs that I was just going to let be, bulky and light weight only 100 pounds with a vacuum cleaner and a carpet cleaner. Not worth the $2.25 I got for it. But another punch closer to get the bonus pricing at the yard. Going to take in my dirty aluminum and some other low value stuff......
    Better than the dump!

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  20. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKWrapper View Post
    What yard? The one on 49th and Washington is still $50/ton - at least last week.
    Earlier this week at Rocky Mountain Recycling. I have been just giving my steel to a guy that hangs at the supply house but I had some copper/alum coils to turn in.

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  22. #92
    DakotaRog started this thread.
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    A home foundry, pretty interesting. Sounds like something another Canadian that's been on this forum under a couple of different user names was into doing. Just curious...

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  24. #93
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    It's one in the same Rog.

    The basic idea really isn't bad. If scrap cast prices are in the tank ... do something "value added".

    It is quite an investment of time and money to get it all set up though. It's not clear profit after that either. It's more time / more money to get the finished product to market. Between the scrapping, the casting, and everything else .... you might get so distracted that you don't get anything accomplished.

    I usually allow a one year time frame for special projects. If they haven't been completed by then .... i just take it as a lesson learned and move on.

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  26. #94
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    as too illegal dumping, fining people and making criminals out of honest citizens is not the way to go ..Here in OK the major cities have hazerdous waste facilities that u can take your old paint cans, used motor oil ,dead batteries,pesticides,too, all u need is current water bill and its FREE !!!!! we are also trying to get them to remove freon from ac units, refrigerators and such also FREE.also once a year we have a similar event at the local fair grounds, people drop off tvs, computors, junk tires.ammo.also FREE !!!!! and 3 time a year FREE day at the local dump..all in an effort to keep our state and rivers and lakes clean..i am sure it costs some on every bodys water bill (what .05 cents?), but in the long run its a good thing.if u dont have this in your state go to local city web site, and they usually have a comment section, and leave a comment..

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  28. #95
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Agreed....if they don't make it cheap/free/easy to dispose of waste people will do what they have to do to get rid of it

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  30. #96
    DakotaRog started this thread.
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    Extruded alum down to 27 cents here-- have never seen it that low, alum breakage that was always a nickel a pound down to 2 cents, electric motors 3 cents, even Cu is sliding a bit-- #2 is now $1.65. About as cold as the current weather...

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  32. #97
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    The yard i go to in Norcross, GA (about 30 minutes from me) is paying about 2.5 cents per pound for shred steel. On the up side of that, they accept almost anything as steel. Including TVs and computer monitors. Those add up in weight pretty quick. Even printers with all their plastics. It's low, i know, but at least they aren't picky on what goes as scrap steel. Copper was down too. #2 was down to almost a dollar a pound. There is another scrap yard across the street that seems to pay better prices. While my usual yard pays 2.5 cents/lb for steel, this other yard pays 5 cents/lb for clean steel. Granted, it is clean steel meaning no plastic, but I get mostly clean steel anyways. Plus this other yard gives you "loyalty points" with which you can redeem for some pretty nice things like GPSs or high-end TVs, etc. Thinking of giving them a shot.
    I am also looking into the backyard foundry stuff. By melting my AL and probably #2 copper, if I do it right, I can actually make more money. The Devil Forge is what I'm interested in (propane is relatively cheap at the Ace hardware for me). In general though, I like to melt the metal anyway. Then if i can't sell it as a nice ingot bar online, i can always sell it as a block of metal at the scrap yard.

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  34. #98
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    I built my own metal melting furnace thinking the same thing. Clean metal -- more money; doesn't work that way.

    Melting Aluminum is a waste of time unless you are going to cast a product of sorts, ie. figurines, cosplay/prop weapons, machine parts, ex…

    Melting copper or brass looks cool and is entertaining, but from what I’ve experienced, most scrap yards won’t buy ingots due to their unknown composition and alloys. These are best sold as curiosities or cast into a final product same as Au.

    Better than scrap is the only way to make a metal melting furnace cost effective.
    Mother Nature; all time #1 recycler

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  36. #99
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faceball View Post
    I built my own metal melting furnace thinking the same thing. Clean metal -- more money; doesn't work that way.

    Melting Aluminum is a waste of time unless you are going to cast a product of sorts, ie. figurines, cosplay/prop weapons, machine parts, ex…

    Melting copper or brass looks cool and is entertaining, but from what I’ve experienced, most scrap yards won’t buy ingots due to their unknown composition and alloys. These are best sold as curiosities or cast into a final product same as Au.

    Better than scrap is the only way to make a metal melting furnace cost effective.
    About what i figured more of hobby not money maker

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  38. #100
    madokie's Avatar
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    wow u guys are not living right,,or is it an east coast thing?? LOL in OK i just did a scrap run mon, got .04 f steel, it was .02 3 months ago but slowly went up.copper #2 ,wire or tubing,is 1.96.brass is 1.55..AL is low .20..but AL breakage is .05, when i scrap out gas hot water heaters i use a LARGE pipe wrench and twist off the thermostat control, there is a piece of brass that threads into HWH, then i save the thermostat control,and the same units off HVAC units and remove small brass fittings, and take them in for AL breakage, i get .05 .. the yard near me is corporatly owned so maybe thats why they pay more.. when scrapping central heat gas furnaces, take off the flame pipe(4 bolts) where the flame comes out, the ends are brass(3-5 pieces),and just threaded into steel black pipe,(u will need a 6 point socket to remove,maybe ground flat on the end )easy money..u have to remove this pipe to remove thermostate/ gas valve any way..i am saving my insulated wire (.40) until i make a wire stripper,then i can get almost 2$ a pound !! copper and brass is where the money is, u just have to break it down and look every where for it, door handles off home entry doors have brass, either solid brass or a thin brass cover over a steel plate,,door latche plungers also have a thin cover of either brass or AL,,all keys are brass now,,the male end prongs of electric cords are brass ,nickel plated,clamp in vise long ways,take a hammer an chisel and cut in half,clamp brass end prong in vise, use pliers and pull off plastic, it comes off easy, twist copper wire together so it doesnt fall apart and cut off, and repeat for other prong,one end, u will have two brass prongs ,and 2 inches of copper wire,.10-.20 cents,it easyer to do this in summer ,when plastic is soft,oh and if your going to melt AL, use only AL castings to make good new AL castings, dont mix in AL cans or AL sheet or AL exstusions,,
    Last edited by madokie; 12-03-2019 at 05:46 PM.

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