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I would LOVE to see that. If you do it, please bring along a go-pro, film it, and throw it up on the youtube. In almost an exact reverse of that situation (crap car, in nice place vs nice car in crap place), before I got my truck I was pulling up to the scrap yard in a nice, V8, 400hp Mercedes Benz and unloading scrap. Also used that to pick up stuff out of the garbage. For sure got some looks and raised eyebrows.... What vehicle you have shouldn't define someone, but people definitely expect different people and different professions to drive different vehicles....
Which is odd since the most common vehicle of millionaires is a ford F150 truck. People expect people with money to drive something flashy, when infact it is usually the people in the flashy cars with no money and in a ton of debt, and the people in the beaters and trucks that have the most money.....
Someday, someday....
I've never understood the whole "make people think you have money with what you drive" logic. I'm a huge Dave Ramsey guy, so I'm sure that tells a lot about my thinking. But, I honestly don't care what people think of me. That Dodge was paid for the moment the auctioneer said "Sold", and I've more than made my money off of her. Best $450 I ever spent....
Between the scrap side of my business growing and my More Than Scrap business here going well, I don't even have time to worry about the Dodge. As long as she runs, she has a home.
KSS, I can't remember if this impacted your lot or not... but about a month ago the transmission in my Jetta decided it didn't want to get me home. So, I rode home with a friend, borrowed his car trailer, and towed it home the next day. The car dying pissed me off, but I was more pissed off that I had lots in to test for people, and I was wasting an entire day to go pick up the stupid car. I had another time where the neighbor needed someone to drive a grain truck in on short notice. I had packages to ship. So, I did what any person would do....
I swear, at some point I should just start a thread about all the things that have happened to me with vehicles. I've done a lot of odd things. I look outside my window at my pallet hauling trailer, and want to shake my head at how rednecked my setup is. But, compared to what I've done in the past, it's a lot better.
Maybe I'm losing the stupidity I had when I was younger....