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Dont be this guy.....

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    greytruck started this thread.
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    Dont be this guy.....

    Saw this moron at the yard this a.m. Please dont load your truck like this guy. His front end was almost off the ground..... Camera sucks but his rear driver side tire is also flat
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  3. #2
    kss's Avatar
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    ... im impressed

    Do I think he is dumb for doing that and that it is dangerous? Of course. But still pretty impressive!

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  5. #3
    hills's Avatar
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    That truck looks pretty rough from behind.

    Maybe he dropped off the whole works and walked home ?

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  7. #4
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    Ugh. Sure he should worry about his own safety but what really gets me is I don't see anything warning other vehicles about the tremendous overhang. That's super dangerous!

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  9. #5
    SKWrapper's Avatar
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    The driver/owner of this vehicle was one of the following:

    1. Desperate
    2. Genuinely just not smart
    3. Greedy for not making 2 trips just to save 3$ and an idiot with no regard to the safety of anyone else

    Do you think scrapyards should be like bars where the bar can have some liability if they over serve someone and then that person kills by driving after getting drunk? Should they turn away someone with a vehicle that badly loaded? Most yards work with local PD to begin with, requiring ID etc...

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  11. #6
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    It takes all kinds. That guy probably doesn't even have vehicle insurance!

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  13. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackgold12 View Post
    If the driver were found to be criminal negligent as charged how could you even consider the yard liable when the driver had care and control.
    That's not what I am saying/meant. Ethically they could be liable to keep buying this guys scrap - at the same time I wouldn't have taken his plates or reported him/her - they could be desperate even if they aren't clever for loading it that way and they did make it to they yard with everything still on the truck in theory.

    Just like a bar stops serving someone drinks - maybe the yard should refuse the load or reduce the price paid for his scrap, but a warning first stupid load - something along those lines.

    Just like a dump where you pay to dispose of refuse, they charge more for a load not covered etc...
    Last edited by SKWrapper; 12-08-2019 at 12:44 AM. Reason: clarification

  14. #8
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I have never seen badly loaded trailers/truck beds like that in NZ. ( Well maybe that one where they seemed to have just strapped 100 bycycles all over a camper van )
    Nothing like what is seen in photos on the internet.
    Im not sure why that is really, if a Kiwi can, they would. But i simply do not see badly loaded trailers here.
    Even a lot of just 'loaded trailers/pickup. "Heres my scrap day" photos' i see on here we either wouldnt do, and wouldnt get away with.

    That photo, theres no way anybody would have a fridge stacked on a angle like that, ever. We dont waste space & everythings 'square' roped properly & probably got a tarp & more ropes over that.

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  16. #9
    greytruck started this thread.
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    Well i was weighing out at that moment i took the pic so i wasnt around to see what unfolded... Probably his truck unfolded LOL. After he cleared the scale he went to the non ferrous building instead of the shred pile, for what i dont know.

    Anyways, ive seen many ridiculous loads before but that one was unacceptable. To bad i didnt get a shot from the side. i was driving threw and not playing phone at that moment. there was another fridge on top of the heap in the front of his bed on a angle. Its on the drivers side leaning if you can see it in the crappy pic.

    Aside from the driving on the road like that. imagine whats ganna happen when he takes the straps off. also, what are the straps even secured to??? Are they shut in the door???
    Last edited by greytruck; 12-08-2019 at 12:22 PM.

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  18. #10
    greytruck started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackgold12 View Post
    The incident has been reported.

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    Ha!! As i scrolled down to this post. Guess who i seen threw the window drive past the house??? Yep, the good ol' boys in blue.

    Im sure that guy is pretty stupid, and we know how stupid works. Im sure he will do this again if he got away with it once. It will catch up with him and im also sure the yard manager will say something to him. Hes not one to play around.

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  20. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackgold12 View Post
    Alright you did not get the answer you were seeking, so I'm going to ask you a direct question.

    Say your children were at the curb outside your home waiting on the school buss and that over hanging fridge fell off and seriously injured your children along with a few of your neighbors children waiting on that buss.

    Some of the children so badly injured die while others who survived remain in hospital for months then have to go through physical therapy. If they're lucky regain full mobility of those broken limbs.

    Its time for you to move the Kool Aid stand.
    Not seeing a question in there anywhere.

    Point is that it didn't happen. He made it to the yard - maybe he/she has kids too and is desperate or maybe just someone addicted to drugs badly needing a fix. If seeing that mess on the road driving - sure call it in - you are right there is a responsibility to do something - that's what I have been saying the whole time. Behavior would better be stopped for fear of not being able to cash in vs. avoiding the PD and driving the back roads with a stupid load etc...

    Yard has the right and really the responsibility ethically to refuse the load/pay less for the load or call it in - maybe a mercy warning the first time - otherwise the argument for anyone to call it in has no validity. If someone sees it and does nothing,... isn't the scrapyard "someone"?

    It's contradictory to say "greytruck" had a responsibility to make a call and report what he saw at the scrapyard and then say the scrapyard itself doesn't - what - scrapyards don't have to be responsible for anything?

    Here's a question for you.

    What will better prevent the behavior? Idiot in overloaded truck: "I can't take this load to the yard cause they won't take it AND I risk a ticket along the way" or "I risk a ticket but I get my 40$ if I make it cause they will take my metal on my overloaded truck - I feel proud"? Almost a guarantee there would be no reason for him to do this again since there would be no benefit now.

    Stupid behavior involving public safety prevention is better than after the fact consequences and someone getting hurt.
    Last edited by SKWrapper; 12-08-2019 at 02:43 PM.

  21. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by greytruck View Post
    Probably his truck unfolded LOL. After he cleared the scale he went to the non ferrous building instead of the shred pile, for what i dont know.
    LOL - probably trying to cash in some bronze colored coat hangers for copper wire.
    Last edited by SKWrapper; 12-08-2019 at 02:58 PM.

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  23. #13
    greytruck started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKWrapper View Post
    LOL - probably trying to cash in some bronze colored coat hangers for copper wire.
    Something like that lol Classy fella

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  25. #14
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    I thought I've seen some skechy rigs out here, but nothing like that. I'll bet you the truck is a half-ton too, not rated to carry half of what's on there. I always thought my 1986 Dodge 3/4 ton was a little bit "not totally legit", but geez.... that's just reckless. Of course, I haul computer cases, so overloading a truck with them.... yeah, not gonna happen
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  27. #15
    ScrapmanIndustries's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKWrapper View Post
    The driver/owner of this vehicle was one of the following:

    1. Desperate
    2. Genuinely just not smart
    3. Greedy for not making 2 trips just to save 3$ and an idiot with no regard to the safety of anyone else

    Do you think scrapyards should be like bars where the bar can have some liability if they over serve someone and then that person kills by driving after getting drunk? Should they turn away someone with a vehicle that badly loaded? Most yards work with local PD to begin with, requiring ID etc...
    hell no they shouldn't turn someone away with a load that bad. That means the guy then has to drive even further with the said sketchy load. If you really care about safety you'll get him to get it unloaded right then and there like he planned to do. And not paying guys like that won't work either because they will just not unload and drive even further. Plus unless the yard has a monopoly going on in the area there is no way to actually tell where the guy is going or if he's even headed to the yard. he might be trying to pick up more or go to his house and hoard it or throw it on a bigger truck. And if the guy made it to the yard obviously he avoided major wrecks. If he wrecks on the way out there ain't nothing the yard can do about it. The difference between someone getting messed up at a bar and killing someone and someone wrecking on the way to a junkyard, is the bar "observed" said driver and sold the driver a product they procured. a junkyard has no idea whats rolling down the road about to come onto the scale. How can you hold me liable for someone coming to my yard when I had no knowledge of anything they did before they entered my driveway? If they make it I will see what they have but now I'm in a pickle. because if you want the whole turnaround thing to happen like tarps at the dump, then legally I am not allowed to let this guy unload. but morally if this guy wrecks and kills someone heading home loaded and unsafe when he could have been empty going home then that is my fault. sorry if I ramble a bit I'm loosing my mind out here and about to fall asleep at the moment. But do you get the point I was trying to make?

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    Let me ask you, If you were running a store like Lowes selling all kinds of construction material, you place an order for 48,000lbs. of cement blocks. Thats a perfectly normal weight for flatbeds to haul. The place you order from uses their own trucks. The trucker gets into a fatal accident. They do an investigation and find that the truck that was hauling the material was only a single axle day cab. Would you now be accountable for that accident? all you did was place an order from a company for a certain amount of material.

  30. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackgold12 View Post
    Your beginning to sound like NP and this line of conversation is getting real ****ing boring.

    As previously stated, See something, say something.

    Get with the ****ing program dude, MAGA.
    NP? Don't know what that is. I assume slang for something.

    Boring? Well... why chime in?
    Last edited by SKWrapper; 12-10-2019 at 06:06 PM.

  31. #18
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    The quickest way to kill a friendly conversation, bring up politics or religion.

    Lets not get all political around here and keep topics related to scrapping metals and making money .... lol

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    I still don't get it - I kinda don't care. LOL sorry not into politics - I assume that's some political reference.

    Yeah I am certain it would help - giving a peddler a penalty for overloading their truck if all yards in close proximity did it. I don't care if you agree or not.

    It's the same reason dumps around here charge more for vehicles without a covered load, it kinda works (sighs all over the highway that it's illegal) - but there would be no hilariously overloaded pickups to laugh at if things were that way with scrapyards, and less revenue for the PD and county for issuing citations I suppose, kinda like speed cameras - generates revenue but does nothing for safety (snaps a pic of the speeder but does not slow them down like an officer would).

    Meanwhile - I've loaded up the car trunk with a bunch of e-waste, and aluminum etc... Gotta bring in the truck tomorrow - and not overload it - but good to know I could be idiot enough to overload it and get away with it and cash it all in, not that I would...

    I have some stuff (once separated and sorted etc...) I might post to see if someone here wants to buy....

    BTW my sedan looks nicer parked next to my colleagues' car, and I brought down the value of his car by parking next to him.

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    Last edited by SKWrapper; 12-10-2019 at 07:13 PM.

  34. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKWrapper View Post
    I still don't get it - I kinda don't care. LOL sorry not into politics - I assume that's some political reference.

    Yeah I am certain it would help - giving a peddler a penalty for overloading their truck if all yards in close proximity did it. I don't care if you agree or not.

    It's the same reason dumps around here charge more for vehicles without a covered load, it kinda works (sighs all over the highway that it's illegal) - but there would be no hilariously overloaded pickups to laugh at if things were that way with scrapyards, and less revenue for the PD and county for issuing citations I suppose, kinda like speed cameras - generates revenue but does nothing for safety (snaps a pic of the speeder but does not slow them down like an officer would).

    Meanwhile - I've loaded up the car trunk with a bunch of e-waste, and aluminum etc... Gotta bring in the truck tomorrow - and not overload it - but good to know I could be idiot enough to overload it and get away with it and cash it all in, not that I would...

    I have some stuff (once separated and sorted etc...) I might post to see if someone here wants to buy....

    BTW my sedan looks nicer parked next to my colleagues' car, and I brought down the value of his car by parking next to him.

    MMMMMMM that is a nice ass car (his not your sedan LOL), also looks like a nice load there

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