Kids Drum Set - Biggest mistake you'll ever make (DTC)
Date: 2012-01-24, 7:39AM MST
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Here you go. A three piece drum set for a kid. It's missing some of the pieces to put it all together, but the drums are all fine. It wasn't cheap. Yes, it's free. You'll probably take it thinking to get the pieces to put it together, but after two hours of your kid beating on it while you're trying to watch Jeopardy, you'll post it on CL for free anyway. Don't say you haven't been warned. That green little cabinet behind it isn't included....but you know what....I'm kind of sick of that thing might take an offer on it.
My rules for free stuff:
No, I won't meet you somewhere to give it to you.
No, you can't come "check it out". If you come by, you have to take it.
I probably won't answer many questions about it either. It's a drum set. I don't know what brand, I won't go measure it, and I don't know if your kid is old enough to use it.
I've given away a lot of stuff on CL, and its kind of funny I have to even post those, but you'd be amazed what people want you to do before taking something that's FREE.