Need free garden leftover supplies for single young poor disabled F (South Salem)
I am a single young poor disabled women that's barely making it through resources. I am in need of gardening supplies. Such as, soil, pots(all varity sizes) hoses, sprayer, lights, fans, small chains, hooks, trimmers, cutters, 2 by 4s, saws, temp gadget, timer, floor liner, wall liner, carbonater, hose thing for carb vent, vent fan, and ph balances, soil enriches stuff. Anything will help. I will most likely take whatever you have. I'm starting a indoor garden to help cut costs. I don't have a vehicle, but I could possibably find one, take the bus, or cab. It would be really better if you could deliver! I could give gas money! PLEASE HELP ME! Email, call or text me at 9712403353, anytime, thats fine! Please and thanks!!!
added needing list:
foam, scrub brush, trimmers(prefere electric),water pump, bamboo sticks, string, small wieghts, 55 G barrels (3), metal circle plant helper thingys, heating pad, staple gun, staples, measuring cups, nail gun, or hammer and nails, multi-prong mulit-plug extention adaptor, extention cords... ect!
... ect!
not only are we too cheep to buy pot, we want all the stuff to grow it for free......