You can't blame the no-shows too much when we've been inundated with freak snowstorms
As almost everyone here knows, I work with computers and their parts. So, for local sales, that means "Whole computers". I have more problems with local sales than anything, but a lot of them are not product problems. If 406 sells a guy a
microwave, he darned well should be smart enough to figure out how to run it. If I sell an HP or Dell, I'll often spend hours on end having to fix small "problems" that often amount to operator error. You spend so much time after the sale that makes you no money- it's just not worth the hassle.
Right now for example, I'm working with a friend who's here on SMF to refurbish some laptops for sale. I'm doing all the polish work I can, upgrading parts, loading the OS, and all that. It works because he had some insanely nice laptops come in. Honestly, with lower end laptops, I'd probably be ahead (And so would he) if I just resold them as tested "Builder" units. What I'm doing seems to work, because it's a small scale. For large lots where I have to process way more, time is money. If I can sell more builders units for a little less profit, I'll end up making more in the end anyways. And, the other nice thing about selling PC parts and builders units: The people who tend to buy those usually know what they're doing. The people who buy whole systems.... it's a total roll of the dice. One that I probably won't have time to always be rolling, and IMO, you shouldn't be either. I never thought things outside of computers were that way, but if 406 is having problems with people who are buying microwaves, nothing may be immune
Also, where the heck were you 406 when I needed a microwave last year?