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Yesterday i seen 8 other scrappers drive past my house. 2 are regulars in my area.... You would think shred is 250/ton.
none of the scrap yards are open in my area.... So if anyone is out, they are just hoarding for now. But with like everyone getting laid off, people are going to be desperate for money, and have a bunch of time. So competition may increase sharply. I havent been doing my normal routes because i usually go on my way to work, but am working from home now. Plus the risk of corona from touching peoples trash. I did however get bored and miss the hunt, so I went out this morning and was only taking "good" stuff. No metal chair or appliances or bbqs because I would have to just hang onto them until whenever the yards open back up. I passed up 4 grills, 2 washers, like.... 30 chairs, and a hot water heater. I need the yards to open back up so I can keep the larger stuff moving through.
If anything, there is less people out by me, as indicated by my patented vacuum cords that are cut ratio. All the cords cut == lots of people out, some cut == some people out, none cut == no one out. Today, there was no one out.