This is a stark contrast to how the coasts are reacting, at least around me. PA, Philly suburbs, you'd get crucified if you tried to go anywhere without a mask right now. NO restaurants are allowed or doing anything except take out. Everyone out in public has a mask here. Literally everyone. There is a line (6ft apart) to get into the home depot. they are counting and only allowing X amount of people in the store at once. So when a person leaves, a person radios that the person manning the line can let another person in. Some of our counties that are less populated have started transitioning into a "yellow" phase but higher populated areas arent going to even start getting off lockdown until June 5th. And that is only one of the many phases of phased reopening. Things wont be "back to normal", like, completely back to normal, such that you could go out and get dinner and a movie if you wanted, until 2021 if I had to make a guess..... at least around me.
Im pretty sure I already had it and got over it, so I am not too concerned about it for my sake. But people around me are for sure taking it seriously and I know one of my co-workers' father has died from the rona, and another co-worker is currently in ICU teetering on the edge at the moment with it.
kss- Here are some stats from SD. I've been tracking them from the state health department every weekend for the past 6 weeks and putting them on facebook. SD has about 850,000 people
South Dakota Health Dept. covid numbers update. I've tracked the the last 6 weekends. Here are the differences between last Sun and today. The percentages are my calculations: Total Tested- 35,283
Negative- 30,697
Positive- 4,586
“Infection Rate” (positive/tested) 13.0% Down 1.0% from last week
Minnehaha Co- 3,274 (71.4% of state total positive) Down 6.6% (state total) from last week
Ever hospitalized- 370 (8.1% of positives) Up 0.3% (of the positives) from last week
Deaths- 50 Up 4 from last week
% Deaths 80+ Years Old- 28 (56% of total) Up 2% from last week
“Death rate” (deaths/positives) 1.1% same as last week week
“Recovered”- 3,415 (74.5% of positives) Up 6.5% from last week