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With uncertain times and a growing number of coronavirus cases in our community, I’ve decided to take a one month break from scrapping. Other factors roll into this as well. I’m 61 years old as is my wife. She is compromised with a previous lung issue, and lastly, we are now caring for our five-year-old granddaughter whose Dad is a detective on 24 hour call. (Plus prices have been cut by half in our area.)
How about you? Are prices or outbreaks affecting your approach to scrapping?
And as always, I wish you all the best in your health and that of your family.
I have also taken a break from curbco. I used to go 3-4 days per week on my way to work. However now I am working from home, so it is not only out of the way to just go out just for trash (and not on my way to work like normal), but also, it doesnt seem a great idea to touch hundreds, to thousands of peoples trash which they could ave touched. The rona can live on surfaces for a few days so it would be a lot of exposure. so ill wait until the rona dies down probably before going out again.
However I am using this time to dissassemble things Ive hoarded, organize stuff, improved layout in my garage, test/wipe some harddrives, and other such things that are all at my house and scrap related