The scrapyards by me are not open. However I have started going back out looking for trash so that I will have a large stockpile of things to scrap and sell once the economy opens back up.
Since the yards arent open, the stuff is overflowing my scrapping garage, and started to become a pile hidden behind the garage. Later this week I am going to go to home depot and buy some real cheap privacy fence panels so that I can hide my pile from the neighbors (and wife lol) and also so I can make the pile much larger and continue to stockpile.
I have a feeling we are going to see depression levels of economic impact within the next year or two and crap is going to be rough for a lot of people. So I want to have as much stuff to sell/scrap stocked up for that time..... A mini-scrap/sellable-emergency fund you could say. And even if that doesn't happen, more is better anyways!
Anyone else doing anything similar?