Got a call to pick up a bunch off appliances. 3 fridge 3 ovens, 4 washer 4 dryer, lawn mowers and stuff. Figured it was an apartment or something. Did it for free since it was worth it for an easy load. Well turns out it was a forclosure house of a cat horder. Piss and **** and cat hair on everything. The previous owner i guess had some mental issues. Fridges still full of food, diry dishes in the dishwasher. There was actually 3 fridges. 2 dishwashers. 4 ovens. 4 dryers, 5 washers, microwaves and a freezer. Smelled so bad. Bit We manned up loaded as much as we could fit. Really didnt want to take anything but this customer coukd send me alot of other stuff. He told me about all the lawnmowrers after we were full, 3 riding mowers several push mowers and a big tiller. Dang it. Now i gotta go back...