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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    dinger started this thread.
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    Got a call to pick up a bunch off appliances. 3 fridge 3 ovens, 4 washer 4 dryer, lawn mowers and stuff. Figured it was an apartment or something. Did it for free since it was worth it for an easy load. Well turns out it was a forclosure house of a cat horder. Piss and **** and cat hair on everything. The previous owner i guess had some mental issues. Fridges still full of food, diry dishes in the dishwasher. There was actually 3 fridges. 2 dishwashers. 4 ovens. 4 dryers, 5 washers, microwaves and a freezer. Smelled so bad. Bit We manned up loaded as much as we could fit. Really didnt want to take anything but this customer coukd send me alot of other stuff. He told me about all the lawnmowrers after we were full, 3 riding mowers several push mowers and a big tiller. Dang it. Now i gotta go back...

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  3. #2
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinger View Post
    Got a call to pick up a bunch off appliances. 3 fridge 3 ovens, 4 washer 4 dryer, lawn mowers and stuff. Figured it was an apartment or something. Did it for free since it was worth it for an easy load. Well turns out it was a forclosure house of a cat horder. Piss and **** and cat hair on everything. The previous owner i guess had some mental issues. Fridges still full of food, diry dishes in the dishwasher. There was actually 3 fridges. 2 dishwashers. 4 ovens. 4 dryers, 5 washers, microwaves and a freezer. Smelled so bad. Bit We manned up loaded as much as we could fit. Really didnt want to take anything but this customer coukd send me alot of other stuff. He told me about all the lawnmowrers after we were full, 3 riding mowers several push mowers and a big tiller. Dang it. Now i gotta go back...
    With a load like that, even with the depressed prices, you can afford a six pack of the good beer.

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  5. #3
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I may have graduated from stuff like that but would have probably turned it down or given such a high estimate they wouldn't hire me

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  7. #4
    406Refining's Avatar
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    Food fridges were a once and done for me. After that first one I got that was overflowing with rotten food and a broken door seal I made the stipulation that all of the food had to be cleaned out before I would take them. Food fridges aren't too bad if the door seal remains intact, but if that seal ever breaks open, that smell lingers on everything.

  8. #5
    greytruck's Avatar
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    I got 4 washers from a hoarder house around the block from me. Smelled like mouse piss and they were full of mouse nests and mouse ****. That turned into bring them straight in, no breakdown. They had a fridge out there later and i didnt take it. It was tapped closed. I could only imagine what was inside.

    When i grabbed the washers the guys were out and i asked about the house since it has been boarded up for years. The washers came out of the garage. They let me look inside. packed with trash 3ft tall all the way back. only a matress and one of those disability toilet chairs right next to the front door. SKUSTING!!!!

  9. #6
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Some yards get upset with spoiled food in fridges around here.....
    Better than the dump!

  10. #7
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    At the area where i was getting scrap from, you could just dump metal there.
    If there was a fridge or freezer with food in it, i would leave the door open or use something to remove it & dump it away a bit & seagulls would take care of it.

    There was a couple of times i just wired the door shut though...

  11. #8
    dinger started this thread.
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    Ya. I wanted to but this guy buys and flips houses so I hope i can get some plumbing work from him also

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  13. #9
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    [QUOTE]When i grabbed the washers the guys were out and i asked about the house since it has been boarded up for years. The washers came out of the garage. They let me look inside. packed with trash 3ft tall all the way back. only a matress and one of those disability toilet chairs right next to the front door. SKUSTING!!!![QUOTE]

    They should just use such house for fire training and burn them down and then load the rest up in dump trucks. Somethings aren't even worth saving...

  14. #10
    greytruck's Avatar
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    They should just use such house for fire training and burn them down and then load the rest up in dump trucks. Somethings aren't even worth saving...[/QUOTE]

    Yeah they do burn 1 house down a year for training, but im in the wooded area so the forest would probably catch fire too LOL. Its was a nice little house, brick on the outside but the inside looks like a log cabin with a stone fire place. Reminds me of the Riffelman tv show. Even has a oil lamp wagon wheel chandelier.
    Last edited by greytruck; 05-15-2020 at 11:58 AM.

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  16. #11
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Its was a nice little house, brick on the outside but the inside looks like a log cabin with a stone fire place. Reminds me of the Riffelman tv show. Even has a oil lamp wagon wheel chandelier.
    It probably had some interesting history and might have been a cool thing to save if it hadn't gotten so shelled out by animal filth...

  17. #12
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    LOL. When I got into the scrap business in 1974 I specialized in appliances only. Scrap appliances in the 70s and 80s were bringing $55 per ton here and I hauled an average of 3 tons per day for over a decade. That works out to about 50 appliances every day for YEARS, in fact for over a decade. I suspect that I have seen just about everything when it comes to appliance scrap.

    The one time I really remember was some commercial dryers I picked up. Got something like ten of those monsters. Could only get 4 on my truck at a time. But when I dumped them off, money went flying everywhere. I sold them for like $25 each as scrap, but got something like $50 each in coins that no one ever took out of the coin bins in them.

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  19. #13
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    I used to help a buddy clear out houses that people left behind or got kicked out of, and fridges with food in them were by far the worst part of any of them. One in particular still gives me nightmares... Never seen that many bugs in one place at one time.

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  21. #14
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    As long as you don't find a rotting dead human body in one. I don't know how those medical examiners do that sort of stuff!! I've killed, gutted, sknined, and cut up lots of critters I've killed but those are all fresh and not a human. Rotting flesh of about anything is seriously nasty in smell.

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