Well today I was going around my normal areas looking for stuff and stopped at a house after spotting some metal at the curb. As I was loading the stuff I noticed there was an HVAC van in the drive way. When the HVAC guy saw me taking the stuff (and probably the load of stuff already in my truck bed) he asked "Hey would you want an AC too?"..... of course I said "Sure!". He even helped me load it!
This is my first AC unit. I usually do not mess with ACs because of the
freon. I dont want the headache of dealing with freon and stuff. But seeing as this was from an HVAC guy and fully detached, I am ASSUMING there is no freon in this thing? Its got open ended pipes all around it so there doesnt seem like there even could be any
refrigerant in there right?
I am going to disassemble this weekend probably. But a quick question for anyone, can the whole area that the refrigerant goes through be ACR? Am I better off cutting the copper ends off (and if I do can whats left still go as ACR?)?? Just looking for some advice on tackling this thing as its my first time on one of these whole home ACs.
Pics attached.
Edit: after some youtube searches (
) I think I may have all the answers I need on taking this thing apart. but never hurts to get input from here!