This is a really funny story phone is no longer good. Its been to hell an back..shocked only today its....gone.
I had the phone for 52months.
I will list each accident I had with the phone.
(during its life I have dropped it countless times....about once a week)
#1 forgot the phone on the roof of truck when I pulled over on side of hwy to change a came off the truck an hit the road...found the phone and battery...the battery cover was never found..(I went to my scrap phones an found another back for the blackberry)
#2 smashed the screen when loading truck with items...went back to that phone that I took the battery off an used the screen
#3 dropped it into water on a rainy (Shockley) worked after that one.
#4 broke the roller ball on the phone...just fell out one day.
#5 broke a letter key when I was loading my truck again...(phones in pocket is asking for trouble)
#6 happened today...was unloading boxes of items to get bailed up...did not know I dropped my phone into the hopper....the item was bailed up with was smashed with 50,000 tons or did not make is now...dead.
Today...just got a new phone...this time I have full insurance on it..
I am still shocked the blackberry lasted as long as it did...I'll miss that phone...but I like my new one =P
Just thought I would share this for picks an grins...I thought it was funny as hell.