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  1. #1
    snorton1 started this thread.
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    What antique have you found/discovered while scrapping?

    First, let me give credit to SmokingMan regarding this thread. I saw his Brunswick phonograph and decided to ask a new poll question to pass the time.
    What is the very best antique that you have discovered while scrapping? I know many of you have found several, but I think that all of the forum members might like to read about your discoveries and even the story behind them. Did you find and keep you favorite? Did you sell it for huge bucks? Did you take photos of your find?
    I’m going to be honest here and tell you that I have not recovered anything super valuable, but my favorite is a simple pot metal bank. It is a replica of a 1908 Buick automobile that was part of a 1970’s giveaway by The Merchants Capital Bank in Cedar Falls, Iowa. It’s value is only 20 to 25 dollars, but I love it. I found it in a collapse shed that a local realtor asked if I could remove in exchange for whatever was underneath and all the household appliances. I’ll try to post a photo, but I usually have no luck with those.

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  3. #2
    SmokingMan's Avatar
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    I'd like to see a picture of that Buick! To me, saving an antique from a landfill is worth way more than any dollar figure. Preserving an item from somewhere in time. I've found a couple other things. Mainly old tools. Sold some, kept some. The day I found that phonograph, I also picked up two very old suitcases/trunks. I haven't researched them yet but they're probably from around the 1920s or 1930s. Haven't decided what to do with them yet. They're beat up but pretty cool looking. Reminds me of the kind you'd see on an old transatlantic boat from that era. They're pretty big. Maybe I'll start a thread about antiques I have and have restored or have been restored by others.

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  5. #3
    snorton1 started this thread.
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    I think your idea about a thread with your restoration projects is a great idea!

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  7. #4
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    I cherish repurposing items as well as restoring them. Although I have not sold any of the materials, friends and relatives have sold them for large amounts of money, $ 500 for a wine rack made from heyems and horseshoes. The reason for this information is to highlight the next statement.

    My greatest finds are priceless, but not worth a penny. They include tepee rings throughout the Dakota's and wagon wheel tracks from the Oregon Trail and Mormon Trail. I have not explored the Santa Fe trail. I have also found the trail used by General Custer when he found gold in the Black Hills including Inyan Kara. Some of these routes are on public land, but most are on private land. In addition parts of the Lewis and Clark expedition can still be seen. Another interesting backpacking trip is the old Deadwood Stagecoach trail.

    Some hike the Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Trail or the continental divide. Few have visited the cave behind Mt. Rushmore where a national museum was planned. Did not mean to derail a great thread, but wanted to point out that memories are priceless. I would also love to see a thread on restoration projects.
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  9. #5
    snorton1 started this thread.
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    Thanks, Patriot. I do miss my time in the Black Hills of both South Dakota and NE Wyoming where I taught for 16 years. But my summers as a park ranger were also very important to me. While I worked at Devils Tower, I had the pleasure of visiting and touring both national and state parks in six surrounding states. So my real treasures are those memories with my wife and kids there. Thanks again for the reminder that true value comes in all forms.

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  11. #6
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snorton1 View Post
    Thanks, Patriot. I do miss my time in the Black Hills of both South Dakota and NE Wyoming where I taught for 16 years. But my summers as a park ranger were also very important to me. While I worked at Devils Tower, I had the pleasure of visiting and touring both national and state parks in six surrounding states. So my real treasures are those memories with my wife and kids there. Thanks again for the reminder that true value comes in all forms.
    Where did you teach and what parks were you a ranger at. We may have met on the trail.

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  13. #7
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Not to hijack your thread, but I have a thread that is pages of items I have found and others have found. I'm not sure I could justpick one thing off the top of my head. The USS Saint Paul platter I gave away to the Navel history Museum i Boston was one thing I was really proud of. The display case I found alongside the road I use as my little museum in my home, is another.;-boo-ya.html

    Anyway, have fun and keep looking. The fact you are looking means that you will find all kinds of goodies.
    Last edited by t00nces2; 06-08-2020 at 02:42 PM.

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  15. #8
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    A family member recently inherited my grandmothers house and is in the process of cleaning it out. I saved 3 very nasty cast iron skillets from getting tossed in the trash. I know my grandmother used them and my great grandmother may have also.

    I wish I had taken more pics of the cleaning process but I only took a few of the small one.

    One thing I found out was if you ask 10 people how to clean and season a cast iron skillet, you will get 10 different answers.

    I chose to make an electrolysis tank because I had everything I needed and it worked really well.

    The first few pics are after about 6 hours in the tank and the last 2 is what the small one looked like after being seasoned twice.
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  17. #9
    snorton1 started this thread.
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    I taught high school English in Hulett, Wyoming. During six summers, I worked as a seasonal interpretive ranger. I did evening fireside talks three nights a week, wrote and published Devils Tower: The Story Behind the Scenery, and wrote the park’s script for the visitor’s center film. I also worked security details for special visits like George Bush, Sr. Visit to Mount Rushmore. Great experiences, all.

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  19. #10
    snorton1 started this thread.
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    toOnces2 and Patriot76. To say that I enjoy each thread you guys present would be a serious understatement. The time and effort you put into your projects and the corresponding threads are some that I find myself reading again and again, even as they approach 15-20 pages. I think that you should both be featured in shows like American Pickers or Black Dog Salvage.

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  21. #11
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I picked up a load of metal Friday and found some old ANGELUS book ends that date back to the 1920's. I believe they are bronze.
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  23. #12
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    Last year at work I was sorting an aluminum gaylord next to a comrade at work who was sorting a brass gaylord and he found a lovely old menorah that my boss let me keep. Used it last year for Chanukah

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  25. #13
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    Took about a week to psych myself up to lift this anvil up onto it's stand. I knocked it over with the skid steer. After three shoulder replacements in a year and a half I am suppose to only lift 15 lbs. I might have been pushing the limits. By the way, I only have two shoulders, but the surgeon messed up and I ended up having to have a reverse shoulder put in. With the addition of two knee replacements it is just short of a bionic man.

    The anvil is over 100 years old and given to me to clean up an abandoned farm on short notice. The lower right corner of the stand is the first attempt to weld cast, not pretty but doing the job. It is nice to have an antique that you can use and not worry about ruining. I cannot imagine a way to destroy it short of one of my gasoline torches.


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  27. #14
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    A family member recently inherited my grandmothers house and is in the process of cleaning it out. I saved 3 very nasty cast iron skillets from getting tossed in the trash. I know my grandmother used them and my great grandmother may have also.

    I wish I had taken more pics of the cleaning process but I only took a few of the small one.

    One thing I found out was if you ask 10 people how to clean and season a cast iron skillet, you will get 10 different answers.

    I chose to make an electrolysis tank because I had everything I needed and it worked really well.

    The first few pics are after about 6 hours in the tank and the last 2 is what the small one looked like after being seasoned twice.
    It is because of you and this very post I bought 5 cast iron rusty pans for $2 for 4 and $1 for a big 11 1/2 Lodge pan. I put them on Facebook marketetplace and sold them for $30 (2 x $5 and 2 x $10). I am going to keep my eye out for cheaply cast iron pans from here on out!

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  29. #15
    auminer's Avatar
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    I don't guess that this is precisely an "antique", but similar live edge tables sell for $500 and up according to Google.

    I found this one at CurbCo yesterday... the homeowner was outside and said that her kids keep injuring themselves on the sharp edges. Rather than rehome the rugrats, she decided to get rid of the table.

    She was happy to see that it was going to be loved. Once we put the new flooring down, it'll be the living room coffee table.

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  31. #16
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auminer View Post
    I don't guess that this is precisely an "antique", but similar live edge tables sell for $500 and up according to Google.

    I found this one at CurbCo yesterday... the homeowner was outside and said that her kids keep injuring themselves on the sharp edges. Rather than rehome the rugrats, she decided to get rid of the table.

    She was happy to see that it was going to be loved. Once we put the new flooring down, it'll be the living room coffee table.

    Very nice Au..... I am jealous. How tall is it?

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  33. #17
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    Au what a lovely find!

  34. #18
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post
    Very nice Au..... I am jealous. How tall is it?
    It's at the new house, so I can't put a tape to it right now, but ~16-18".

  35. #19
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Outstanding clean up on the cast iron skillets!!

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  37. #20
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Is that wood slab table balck walnut or eastern red "cedar"...? Looks more like cedar from this angle. Very cool!!

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