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Where do you scrap

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Where do you scrap

    Wanted to start a thread to encourage people to share where you scrap. Please share pictures of the landscape, terrain, shop, house, everything and anything your heart desires. Pictures of skyscrapers, monuments, mountains, deserts, subdivisions, property, family vacations, scrapping partners (dogs, cats, etc.) are all welcome. Sharing location or details is optional. It would be neat for a catch all thread where it will be impossible to derail. Any takers?
    Give back more to this world than we take.

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  3. #2
    WhiteSquirrel's Avatar
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    My stompin' grounds - The smoke stack is taller than the empire state building, and lets you know you're almost back home when you see it on the horizon.

    We're a mining community, with the major extraction being Nickel - hence the big nickel!

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  5. #3
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Im in Thornton Illinois, about 5 miles south from Chicago. On a clear day you can see the sears tower from the school / ball fields. I lived in this town my whole life, Alot of the residents have. Guess thats how everyone knows each other. We have a 7-11, a gas station, Boz's Hotdog stand, the lime stone quarry, Wampum lake, and a small strip mall with a liquor store, laundry mat, and a lounge bar. We have the "Brewery" that was used by Al Capone back in the 1920s or 30s to make their bootleg liqour. He had tunnels going out from the basement to different houses in the area. It was bought back by one of the original bootlegers grandson and turned into Soltis brewery. But then he sold it and now its still a brewery but also a restaurant. Its now called the Well cause people use to go in the huge wooden water barrel that was on the roof on the hot summer days way back when.

    Heres a video someone made of my towns past and some present.

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  7. #4
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    A picture of our ranch house, built in the late 1950's. A kit home from the Sears catalog I think. It is a three thousand sq. ft. structure with a full basement on 200 acres. I have been remodeling the inside with scrap prices down and will side it with metal in August.

    The closest town is 15 miles away and only has four stop signs, two by the school. The closest stop light is 55 miles away. Out in the boonies is an understatement.

    The blue items on the left side of the picture are a wagon, rock boat, and a sled pulled by twin Persians.
    Last edited by Patriot76; 07-08-2020 at 01:23 PM.

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  9. #5
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Many suffer from being home bound and isolated because of the Coronavirus. This is a daily thing where I live. Imagine plowing through this to travel 15 miles to a mom and pop grocery store. There is only one stop sign between my place and the grocery store. liquor store, bank, hardware store, or gas station. I do not know anyone that actually stops at the stop sign. In this community everyone knows where I am going before I do.


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  11. #6
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    More pictures of natural isolation.



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  13. #7
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    This is our cabin in Wyoming. We rent it out occasionally so the business is whited out. We have two smaller cabins as well on the property. It is popular for snowmobilers and hunters because we get snow starting in late September or early October that does not melt until April. Three foot on the level minimum throughout the winter. We do not have any wind to speak of in the valley and there are times snow will fall four inches on a vehicle radio antenna. My scrap business has provided two loaders, two skid steers, and two snow plows to keep both places open during the winter.

    The closest towns are 30 miles away in three directions. One has two stop lights, another has one, and the third does not have any. The one without a stoplight actually sits on the interstate.


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  15. #8
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    This is our cabin in Wyoming. We rent it out occasionally so the business is whited out. We have two smaller cabins as well on the property. It is popular for snowmobilers and hunters because we get snow starting in late September or early October that does not melt until April. Three foot on the level minimum throughout the winter. We do not have any wind to speak of in the valley and there are times snow will fall four inches on a vehicle radio antenna. My scrap business has provided two loaders, two skid steers, and two snow plows to keep both places open during the winter.

    The closest towns are 30 miles away in three directions. One has two stop lights, another has one, and the third does not have any. The one without a stoplight actually sits on the interstate.


    That's beautiful! It'll be a while before we get our ducks lined back up for a vacation, but when we do, bet that I'll be contacting you for info on this!
    Out of clutter, find simplicity. --Albert Einstein

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  17. #9
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by auminer View Post
    That's beautiful! It'll be a while before we get our ducks lined back up for a vacation, but when we do, bet that I'll be contacting you for info on this!
    Although we are 30 miles from any town, we are within an hours drive of Mt. Rushmore, Devils Tower, Sturgis Bike Rally, and many other venues. One concern at our age is it is an hour and a half to Rapid City and the first large hospital and it is five miles to a place a helicopter can land and that is on private land.

  18. #10
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by greytruck View Post
    Im in Thornton Illinois, about 5 miles south from Chicago. On a clear day you can see the sears tower from the school / ball fields. I lived in this town my whole life, Alot of the residents have. Guess thats how everyone knows each other. We have a 7-11, a gas station, Boz's Hotdog stand, the lime stone quarry, Wampum lake, and a small strip mall with a liquor store, laundry mat, and a lounge bar. We have the "Brewery" that was used by Al Capone back in the 1920s or 30s to make their bootleg liqour. He had tunnels going out from the basement to different houses in the area. It was bought back by one of the original bootlegers grandson and turned into Soltis brewery. But then he sold it and now its still a brewery but also a restaurant. Its now called the Well cause people use to go in the huge wooden water barrel that was on the roof on the hot summer days way back when.

    Heres a video someone made of my towns past and some present.
    Loved the video from a historical perspective and always liked John Melloncamp.

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  20. #11
    ragstoriches's Avatar
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    My spot

    My space is @1400sq ft in an old mill. Not a lot of room, but enough to start with. These pictures are when I finally got the spot I wanted and rushed to get all this in. It's a lot cleaner now and better organized, but definitely not perfect. The scrap metal goes out right away, since I can't store too much of it. New stuff comes in all the time and if I don't scrap for a while, it looks like this again. My regulars called and I have about 2 pickup truck's worth to get on Tuesday. It never ends
    Attached Images Attached Images         

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  22. #12
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Small mountain lion found on the edge of our property in Wyoming a few years back. Called game warden because it was out of season. Official report, probably poisoned because it was harassing livestock.


  23. #13
    southendguy's Avatar
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    Great thread Patriot! I am rural as well, in eastern Oregon. I seem to have lost my ability to post pictures. If I figure out how to post pictures again, I will post. I'm doing a lot of stockpiling now. It seems that everyone around here, wants to clean up their place now. Fortunately, I have lots of room for stockpiling.

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  26. #15
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by southendguy View Post
    Great thread Patriot! I am rural as well, in eastern Oregon. I seem to have lost my ability to post pictures. If I figure out how to post pictures again, I will post. I'm doing a lot of stockpiling now. It seems that everyone around here, wants to clean up their place now. Fortunately, I have lots of room for stockpiling.
    In times like this I am glad you can stockpile. Those that cannot stockpile face a difficult decision. I use Imgur to post my pictures on the forum. I could not access the post above.

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  28. #16
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ragstoriches View Post
    My space is @1400sq ft in an old mill. Not a lot of room, but enough to start with. These pictures are when I finally got the spot I wanted and rushed to get all this in. It's a lot cleaner now and better organized, but definitely not perfect. The scrap metal goes out right away, since I can't store too much of it. New stuff comes in all the time and if I don't scrap for a while, it looks like this again. My regulars called and I have about 2 pickup truck's worth to get on Tuesday. It never ends
    I would be overwhelmed trying to sort so many different products. It is tough enough just focusing on ferrous and non-ferrous.

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  30. #17
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Ewaste still the most rewarding and challenging work I have ever done

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  32. #18
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Wanted to show what I wake up to on a regular basis at the cabin in Wyoming. These were taken from the deck under the porch. We lay out corn on the hillsides and the turkeys scratch the pine needles down hill saving us from raking the forest. Our home owners insurance (USAA) gives us a discount for the raked hill sides.

  33. #19
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Back at the ranch I left the dog pen open and in the morning found a new visitor that I had not seen before. Welcome guest to say the least.


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  35. #20
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Self isolation produces some of these images during the winter at the ranch. Many dread the isolation caused by the cornavirus, but here it is a fact of life long before this threat. In return nature produces these works of art to keep us occupied. All of theses pictures were taken within 100 yds. of the ranch house.


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