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Found a New Scraping Friend!!!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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  1. #1
    Changeme9a started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Jun 2011
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    Thumbs up Found a New Scraping Friend!!!

    I was in Fort Worth at 11am Today Thursday and I had seen a older male with a Mazda Pickup and had a whole lot of scrap. I started to talk to this Man and he said he is so busy with his copper aluminum and other high price metals, and his Tim and steel is just a pain in the butt since there is so much.

    Well he asked if we could help load 2-3 things that weighed over 300 pounds on his trailer, So my brother and I did that, He ended up giving up around 1000 Pounds of Short Iron and Tin.

    He wants me to call him at 7am and get directions to drive around 2 hrs away and unload a massive warehouse that is going to be torn down, He wants me to take all 250 Ballast that are at this location and dissemble to get to the copper and the short iron out of them. Then I can also scrap all copper, aluminum, he wants us to spend the night in a hotel so we can knock it out faster then driving to and from DFW to Spring town TX..

    So Wish me luck he said he has over 50-65 Thousand pounds of metal at this new location to scrap and we can have it all just give him a small percentage

    Good Luck to Everyone
    Last edited by Changeme9a; 06-23-2011 at 08:30 PM.

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