Finally got some time to do things. Set up the wire stripping machines and going to work on all the romex first. Started assembling the trailer yesterday, should have it mostly finished today. Will have to go to the DOL and get a State Patrol inspection form. Probably do that when I renew tabs on my Subaru, $96.25 for something that's 18 years old!!!! It's a four banger getting around 25mpg so will use it for scouting CurbCo or small pickups.
Haven't been active at Curbco lately but I passively find a thing or two, like a
microwave manufactured in 1991. Can't wait to see how much copper this baby has, she's heavy. Got another half dozen other microwaves to tear down too, and clean up my mower junkyard. 1/2" cordless rattlegun will make short work of all the mower engines. Hoping my first load of the year breaks my old record in pay.