I'd be trying to sell it 'as is'. I don't think there's a lot in it to scrap really.
From this
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plate_reader I find out that it shines light into a plastic tray full of samples & detects how much of certain wavelength of light shines thru it, and also illuminates it so that a glowing dye they put into the gell with the sample, will glow, & it measures its strength & length of light given off.
I think it's used in a lab with a PCR Thermal cycler machine, which is what 'grows' the samples in the tiny plastic cells in the trays.
( The PCR machines, the early ones from '98-2002 were a good source of Gold & or Silver as they used metal blocks to transfer heat. Last time I looked at them 2nd hand, hardly any had their blocks .
Since Gold was cheap, & scientific stuff is expensive, $2500+ and then nearly dumped when it's been replaced, a 2-3 ounce block of Gold @ $300 a ounce when made, might be worth a little bit more.....)
One use these have is for testing samples for Covid, in a lab. But a buyer would buy it for parts or refurbishment, often thus stuff goes to improvrished nations & is fixed & used there.