reads like a poem.....
When I first started, I too would grab everything, no matter what or how big bulky or dirty. If you are someone relying on scrap to pay your bills and feed your family, you HAVE to do that.
However, once you start being pickier on what you take, you can actually end up being more profitable, for less work. For example, once I started honing in on and only focusing on laptops/computers/servers specifically, my profit jumped WAY up. Like 10x.... I found that rather than messing with a truck full of dirty grills, and moldy washers, for the same money, and much less time and effort, I could sell a modestly spec'd laptop on
Sometimes slowing down, and really thinking about what you take and if it is worth it, can work out much better than taking everything. Now, dont get me wrong, sometimes I'll still take a washer or grill if I feel like it and am randomly passing by one, but I dont NEED to, or feel bad for leaving them behind for someone else.