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Being pulled in so many ways....

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Being pulled in so many ways....

    Have you ever had the feeling you where tied up with rope an 6 people had there own end to it an they where pulling you around like a toy?...I am feeling like that lol

    I have so many things going on from that new account I got thats I showed you all photos of. To me setting up a B2B sales/buy team that will be going to companies to try to buy there stuff (I don't have to pay them unles they get me much better can that be?? ) to truckers who are knocking on your door asking for oil (to cut there diesel with) to so many other things.

    Its like I never get a time to take a breath of fresh air!!!

    (I was kind using this to rant alittle but...I feel that others can relate to this as well..)

  2. #2
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Rant away...and give jobs to others who have not been so blessed....most people don't have what it takes to put together a business like yours. Be thankful that you are "pulled" and maybe you'll get some advice from others on the forum about how to pace yourself and when and how to say no.....and when to delegate. Good luck.

  3. #3
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    What is sad..I have passed jobs to other people who scrap as the thing is..they flip out an are no makes me look bad. An on top of that. Here in the DFW...its a hard have to fight for your ground an then you have to guard it...Alot like a can get real nasty with company to company....

    I know there is like 4 or 5 companies I am fighting with right now. They are trying to walk onto my deals an I have to keep uping the amount I am paying per pound to keep the account. They have a higher over head than me so I can take a step higher than they could..but they try anyway to see how far I can go before I brake.

  4. #4
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    ....In my last post...I wounder how many people will understand where I am coming from or not lol...O of my sayings "Another day...another dollar."

  5. #5
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    I can see your conundrum better now. Sounds tough.

  6. #6
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    haha.. that's always a good problem to have. Keep it up, from my dealings with you so far, you are a god guy. I've already said, customer service wins out in the end.

  7. #7
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Back in the 90's before illegal aliens took over and when we couldn't build houses fast enough in Denver metro I had 10-12 hourly carpenters and 2-3 sub-contractor crews, spent more time driving in the truck then I did driving nails. Money was better but the brain damage was considerable. As business slowed and the illegals destroyed prices, I quit replacing drunkin carpenters and now it's just me. I make my money a few different ways and stopped the brain damage for the most part, couldn't be happier. Be careful what you wish for so say Confucius.
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  9. #8
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JunkWerks View Post
    haha.. that's always a good problem to have. Keep it up, from my dealings with you so far, you are a god guy. I've already said, customer service wins out in the end.
    Thank you that is what we try to provide to every one no matter how small or how large the load is. But it takes alot out of me when your dealing with a few large accounts an you seems to be the only one who knows what is going on an what needs to be done!

  10. #9
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Back in the 90's before illegal aliens took over and when we couldn't build houses fast enough in Denver metro I had 10-12 hourly carpenters and 2-3 sub-contractor crews, spent more time driving in the truck then I did driving nails. Money was better but the brain damage was considerable. As business slowed and the illegals destroyed prices, I quit replacing drunkin carpenters and now it's just me. I make my money a few different ways and stopped the brain damage for the most part, couldn't be happier. Be careful what you wish for so say Confucius.
    Yea I miss the time where it was just...simple..I went here picked this up a then went home pop open a beer an brake it down. Now I dont even do any brake down anymore I have hired hands for that an I still dont have the amount of time I need to keep up with what is coming in!

    I did get a new office person an they are in training...Hoping they can get alot of the paper work done so I can work more on the deals an get the job done..I think before they are up to speed an can really will be like two to three weeks before a huge load of work is removed from me.

    (counting the days....)

  11. #10
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    been in several businesses and one thing is true of all of them, ! they will all drive you crazy if you let them, and 2 if its good wanna bes imitators and the compititition will try to overwelm you. the big boys who have the war chest will loose mondy and over bid just to run you out if you let them, that is exactly how sam walton built walmart.

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