Today I stumbled upon something new to me: a Panda mini washer / dryer. It looks like a kid toy and it is small enough to be put in a car trunk or to be shipped as a package by mail. I know that is mostly all made of plastic and low in metal contents, but I wanted to have a look inside since it is the first time I see something like that. Operation seems to be quite similar to the classic white goods, but there are two electric motors at the bottom and a power cord and no concrete block and that's about it. It is so small, I wonder what clothes you can clean in that. Not sure that a pair of jeans would fit inside, but it can work okay with baby or young children clothes. (On the page I linked below, it seems to be appreciated by the apartment dweller who wrote that page)
It looks similar to the one I linked here, except the one I got is white and blue