I sent two loads today and I don't know if it is the weather, the moon cycle, the low prices or what else, but for different reasons the yard staff whined a lot today (for pretty much baseless reasons) at the two different yards I went.
At the first one (my usual non-ferrous yard), it was one of the regular buyers and he was unhappy that I bring a S/S 316 double sink (the one with the square black patches I am talking about in the other thread) and that I tried to sell as S/S. I tried to explain what's S/S 316, that's very slightly magnetic, that I frequently sell that to them and it was still impossible for them. Too late, too bad for you, I'll just bring elsewhere. They're also tried to round down my weights by saying a box is always at least 2 lbs without using the scale (and see that boxes can be lighter than 2 lbs). Finally, they didn't took my transformers and my flywheel transformers they're always buying from me for whatever reason and they were complaining about a potential presence of aluminum wires in the four or five electric motors I had. Whatever they're fully copper or they're contain some aluminum, before we go further in the deal, can you tell me how much do you pay for motors: less than shred price. Thanks, but no thanks, at that price, I'll dump it on the shred heap. It is also the same yard that sometime make a huge deal about painted and non-painted extrusion aluminum. Last time, they didn't wanted to buy my painted extrusion as extrusion aluminum, but as mixed aluminum due to the paint. When I dumped my box of clean extrusion today, the gaylord was mostly full of painted extrusion. The other time, the mixed aluminum container has a healthy share of UBC while they're always saying that they don't take cans and complain if I have one or two cans among 25 or 50 lbs of mixed alu.
At the second yard (my usual ferrous yard), one of the two non-ferrous scales was broken, but it was quiet when I was there. No big deal. They didn't say a word about the S/S 316 sink they other yard disliked, but they managed to complain about a very small piece of brass thread (smaller than a screw) stuck to a S/S drain piece. I kept telling them that I removed all I can, that it was not magnetic and S/S may already have some in it as S/S is an alloy, but nothing. Just take aside if it bothers you so much, but they took the remaining of my S/S box and dumped it in the yellow brass, except for 3 little pieces they called zinc. Okay. In my opinion, I am not sure to understand the matter of making such a deal of a tiny piece of brass attached to a bigger piece of S/S while you just contaminated your yellow brass with S/S. Anyway, brass pays 5 times what S/S is and the price difference covered more that the value lost by the price drop.
I understand that every yard has a different way to sort metals and sometime the same person won't sort it the same way each time, but today was beyond all records.