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I just lost my copper buyer - Page 2

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  1. #21
    gorven's Avatar
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    Answer to first question definitely

    Not in 95531 but can have a freight company pick up there it would be less expensive if you could ship from a commercial address

  2. #22
    cyberdan started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorven View Post
    Answer to first question definitely

    Not in 95531 but can have a freight company pick up there it would be less expensive if you could ship from a commercial address
    95531 is my entire county, very low population. There is a moving van company in town I thought they might be able to do the job. 30 miles north is Oregon. Anything in Brookings? (curry county)
    Here I am cyberdan, at yardsales I am dollardan

  3. #23
    gorven's Avatar
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    Less expensive is in Central Point OR or Eureka CA like I said can have a carrier come to you

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  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyberdan View Post
    I have a couple of questions.
    Will a broker get me a better price than if I just walk into a freight company and get a bid?

    Is there a freight company you can ship from in 95531, or how far will I have to drive to deliver load?

    No way can I put a pallet in my car all loaded up for shipment. I would have to put the shipment together at the freight company with probably 2-3 trips. Do smaller shippers put up with this? If there is one in my town it will definitely be a smaller shipper. Only a few thousand in my town.
    Contact Gorven directly and get your questions answered. You will be happy you did. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  7. #25
    CopperMiner's Avatar
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    In the worst scenario, you could hire a local/regional company between 95531 and Eureka or Central Point and interline with Govern's carrier over there, but since he can send you a carrier directly to your location, it will probably be cheaper than interlining.
    NEW TO SCRAPPING? READ THIS: Build up your horde of magnetic and non-magnetic metals in two piles until you have a better understanding of the business. Magnetic material has low value and is mostly always steel / shred / short iron. Read old threads about non-magnetic metals and ewaste (and how to sort them), but don't forget that they generally have absolutely no tolerance for contamination (screw / iron / foreign material).

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  9. #26
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mthomasdev View Post
    Based on JJiLV's response, he still does freight shipments. 300 pounds and I'd look into it. Personally have had good luck with YRC. YRC terminal in Central point OR. Probably near that northeast yard you mentioned. Assuming Schnitzer. Freight shipments are cheapest if you are dropping off at the terminal. Ran a quick rate quote. 600 pounds dropped off at terminal, delivered to commercial address in LV, $166 and change.

    Have also used Govern in the past. He may be able to do better, based on the volume he does/
    Little more info for you. Ran a 600 pound pallet 40x48x30. picked up at 95531 and delivered to commercial address with fork lift or dock 89136 (not sure of ENF's exact zip code).

    picked up residential lift gate roughly $365
    picked up commercial no fork lift or dock $305
    picked up commercial fork lift or dock $235
    dropped off at terminal in Central point, OR (used 9/15 date) $125 - not sure why this is lower than when I ran it before.

    As mentioned before, with Govern's discounts based on his volume, he should able to match or beat those numbers.

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  11. #27
    cyberdan started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mthomasdev View Post
    Little more info for you. Ran a 600 pound pallet 40x48x30. picked up at 95531 and delivered to commercial address with fork lift or dock 89136 (not sure of ENF's exact zip code).

    picked up residential lift gate roughly $365
    picked up commercial no fork lift or dock $305
    picked up commercial fork lift or dock $235
    dropped off at terminal in Central point, OR (used 9/15 date) $125 - not sure why this is lower than when I ran it before.

    As mentioned before, with Govern's discounts based on his volume, he should able to match or beat those numbers.
    I will add this and governs info in my spreadsheet on recycling.
    $125 to ship 600 lbs to Vegas sounds great. I will have to start hoarding more and think about a trip to Central point.

    I will be driving to Grants pass tomorrow. That is 25 miles from Central point. Another trip to my wife's eye surgeon. Was not expecting to go till noon today. I spent the next two hours loading insulated wire and and sheet/cast aluminum in my car. One of my scrap yards is in Grants pass. They do not pay very well but that is what I am stuck with. They do not get any of my copper or extruded.

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  13. #28
    cyberdan started this thread.
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    JJinLV sent me a lead on a metals buyer. His office is 900 miles south in southern California. Shipping is more than last vegas but I called him in vista, ca. He said I can mail to his wife who lives just outside las Vegas. I think problem solved. I am not ready to sell my CU hoard just yet because of low prices everywhere. If things work out I will post his info.

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