I dunno Dan. I think you might be barking up the wrong tree with shipping copper. There can't be much of a payout on the copper after deducting your shipping costs. You really need to be sending out gaylords of that stuff in order to have any hope of shipping it cost effectively.
I'm kind of in the same boat as you are in that i live in a remote area. The nearest yard that pays at least halfway decently is a sixty mile run. I usually hold off on selling till i've accumulated 350 - 500 lbs. I figure $ 60.00 as actual transportation cost and half a day's time as the cost to transport. That still leaves a little meat on the bone.
I could go further out for better price per pound on scrap copper but i wouldn't be any further ahead. Transportation costs would increase accordingly.
It might be better to stockpile right now anyway.
Scrap prices are near their seasonal low. They're likely to be better sometime late next winter.
It's all a numbers game. Doesn't make much sense to do
scrap metal recycling if you aren't making any money at it.