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The right person....

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Dixiedeadhead started this thread.
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    Cool The right person....

    Had a great few days and experience. Answered a CL add to pick up two free fridge-freezers. It's about 35 miles from the house but the add said working when unplugged so I hoped to make a little. Well, get to the place and the guy is flipping a 1840's giant house(think southern plantation....complete with the big white pillars). Took me inside to see the fridges and he had stripped the house down to the studs. Super old and funky heart pine studs about 4x6. It was so cool I just kept saying "this place is awesome"!..Well on the way to the back where the fridges were I saw a huge window air-condition with the cover off..(wink wink..pulse quickens)... So after he showed me Identical Whirlpool fridges in great condition I asked him about the air-condition. "Sure man it's yours" he said. So after I loaded everything up I gave him my card and after seeing I was a metal re-cycler he said that I was his kind of man and that he takes stuff to the local yard sometimes (like 600 dollars worth of those old radiators used to heat the house back in the but doesn't have much time lately due to restoring the place on a time line. So I thanked him and headed back for the shop with a content feeling that the trip was worth it.
    Well a couple days later the guy calls and explains that he had bought the whole farm and needed some metal cleaned out of the woods so he can get his tractor and bush hawg in. Needless to say I was happy and took off the next day to meet him. After arriving he showed me the area and told me the only thing he asks is for me to be aggressive.."not just take the easy stuff". NO PROBLEM...Well here I go looking pulling..loading...and over and over I was pulling out old water pumps...hubs....starters...YUP..There was an old garage of some type on the land years and years ago...Stuff everywhere...I mean everywhere...I was in heaven.
    Well on the way there that morning I saw a sign that says "we buy batteries" two miles ahead of the place we I was. So I get a load (originally thinking I was going to have to take one load at a time back to my local yard) and decide to check out the place down the road first. and dang if it isnt a little metal yard. No drive up scales but ones big enough I could put my whole load on it. The prices were not great but what the hell it was two miles away. So I kept the very heaviest stuff for my last haul of the day each day for the drive back to my yard and took the rest to the local guy down the road.
    Three days into it and have made close to 800 on the metal and sold the two fridges to one lady for 100 a pop(and broke down the air condition and got 40 for the coils) And still have a couple more days to go out there. Tired ..tired ...tired...but happy...happy..happy.
    And I'd like to add this guy was a Marine (I live close to three large military bases ).And I love dealing with those guys. Straight to the point- no bull$hit kinda guys. God blessem'!!
    Sorry so long guys..; )
    Hope y'all have good weeks too!

  2. The Following 2 Users say Thank You for This Post by Dixiedeadhead:

  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    wow sounds like a great find!!!

  4. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Right on DDH.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

  5. #4
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    now that sounds like a mighty fine week. Congrats Dix !

  6. #5
    Dixiedeadhead started this thread.
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    Thanks..; )

  7. #6
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    Their ya go! Shoot i wish we had them ole Southern mansion types here in Idaho. Aint nothin but run down houses and fields haha.

  8. #7
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    run-down houses and fields......makes me think of scrap, Hoss.....the mansions are too few and far between now, in my area. We only have one left in my little town (sold at auction for $60,000 3 yrs ago...before I was into scrapping. Got a lot of free furniture and left all the free scrap !!)

  9. #8
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Yeah that was definitely something to bragg about but im sure it was lots of work. Did you do it all alone?

  10. #9
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    As Jar heads say, Ooooh Rahhhh. I am glad you had a good experience with the Marine. I live in Jacksonville, NC and am doing some small amount of recycling. Best to you, Mike

  11. #10
    Dixiedeadhead started this thread.
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    My father helps me. He's 64 and has COPD so I try to make sure I do most of the heavy lifting..; ) But he's really old school and gets in there with the best of them!

  12. #11
    Dixiedeadhead started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    As Jar heads say, Ooooh Rahhhh. I am glad you had a good experience with the Marine. I live in Jacksonville, NC and am doing some small amount of recycling. Best to you, Mike
    Thanks Mike. Jacksonville huh..I'm in New Bern. The lot I was working down the other side of Cherry Point towards Atlantic Beach. Good to see another East NC guy on here. Jax is a little far for me to scrap but if you send me your number I'll gladly turn you on to anything I hear of your way..; )

  13. #12
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    What's up DDH, David here. I decided to take your advice and check the site out. The metal recycling thing is completely new to me, but from what I've seen so far, this forum seems like a good place to learn the ins and outs. Also, after reading this post, I'm pretty much sold! $800 in 3 days??? Can't beat that! Keep on gettin it brother!

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