remember the 50 lb #1 that was stolen from me last week. We found the thief. It was exactly who I thought it might be, a friend of one of the kids staying with us the one who kooked like a skin head.
here is how stupid the kid is. on the 13 the day the copper was stolen he was at the house on the computer with the others playing black ops or some thing. he is broke, they went to the store and my son had to buy his drink, that night the copper grows legs, the brass I found half way down the drive. the copper was gone. next day (the 14th) he dosent come over . on the 15th the day we went to the yard in Dothan he shows up with a bundle of cash. Joe asks him where he got the money. his answer ! I stole a bunch of copper and sold it in Panama city. Joe: where did you steal the copper. stupid: it is better you dont know. here is the thing he has one leg and a prosthesis, that is why he couldnt cary both buckets, and had to leave one in the drive way. hes on probation for stealing already, and we researched the social sites and wa la ther bold as can be is photos of him displaying and holding stolen guns. we will handle this first thing Monday morning.