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first e cycle stash..

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Bobby started this thread.
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    first e cycle stash..

    So I just picked up my first little stash of electronics from my stash spot at work...not a whole lot but did come home with:

    A rack mount network- 5 units no rack
    Monitors -3
    Desk top printers - 6
    And a nice box full of wire not sure what it consists of ain't went through it yet.

    For the most part it looks like a lot if plastic, but should be some good experience,,
    And will add to my wire bucket.

    May also pick up an a/c unit and a furnace in the morning.

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Depending on the type of printer make sure you don't rip off the toner. It is a very fine powder that get everywhere, stains, and makes it difficult to breath if indoors.

  3. #3
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Yeah boy that stuff is messy - one broke and I didn't know it after breaking one down and it leaked all over the garage all the way down to the street. What a freaking mess to clean up. Next day my son got off the bus, walked through the grass where the printer had sat and re-tracked ink up the driveway, into the garage and house hitting every rug on the way. then there were the dogs tied up outside at the time he walked by them. *Facepalm*

  4. #4
    Bobby started this thread.
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    Yeah I know what you mean. I have dumped trash cans full of that powder at work, ususally makes it hard to breath. But these were just the small ink jet cartridges, nothin to messy.

    I hope to get some of the bigger ones in the next couple weeks or so, and start shoppin em around to one of the refill shops around here.

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