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Keepin Busy

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    zakmattingly started this thread.
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    Keepin Busy

    Thought I was gonna run outta stuff to do yesterday. Was workin on the last thing I had and my brother shows up with an electric weedeater, circular saw, vacuum cleaner, and a bunch of Christmas lights all tangled around a metal reindeer. Them lights should be fun to strip. Ended up with a bunch of little sections. Went and picked up a full size freezer today. Got some computer stuff with that. Might have something out of that that'll be better than what's in my computer. I need an upgrade. After unloading that I got a phone call to come pick up a window AC unit. Ended up gettin a TV as well when I went to get that. And then was told to expect another TV and about 6 microwaves in a couple days. Monday cleanin out a burn pit with some iron all throughout before it gets buried and then goin to pick up 2 more TV's and some other stuff. Not sure what else with that yet. And also gettin a sweet deal on a bench grinder, vise, and mini sledge along with a dryer for just 20 bucks. And the dryer still works and is in better shape than the one I got. Mine's not even worth selling with all the problems it has so it'll get scrapped. Was gonna take tomorrow off to sit around and be lazy but I might just have to keep at it. Things are lookin up.

    Eat. Sleep. Scrap.

  2. #2
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    sounds good Zak...sounds like the word is out and It'll just keep getting better and better. I guess you've checked with your yard about the Christmas lights. My yard takes them whole, but I've heard others say they have to cut the lights off. I think I'd leave 'em in the dumpster if I had to cut the lights off !! I got a box fan, a big fat, long set of jumper cables, and a bjillion alum. cans today! Oh, and someone threw away a very new looking Craftsman hedgetrimmer. I took it home and plugged it in and it worked! weird !!

  3. #3
    Mick's Avatar
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    That's the way it seems to go. I don't how many times I've thought I'd run out of stuff, only to get a call and loaded up again. Last time - yesterday.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  4. #4
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Today I will be picking up 2 fridges and my computer load will be coming from my sons friend. The fridges are coming from one of my moms friends brother she told about what I do and he said ''I've got some stuff!'' So its set up and she said he said I can have the fridges and whatever else is in his garage. this will be on top of my usual haul.

  5. #5
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Way to go Zak, sounds like your willingness to work hard is paying off.
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

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