After reading a few threads here, I got to thinkin lots of people here work alone, and I've read some use shortcuts etc, and have seen some reminders and suggestions. I work alone all the time, and usually no one is home. If I fall off a ladder I could be there layin in the sun all day, or longer until they come home, its warm in winter, but gets cold at night. So I decided to make a post about safety, not sure if there has been one recently.
I get OSHA emails weekly, and notices about industrial accidents. I figure ya'll are familiar with sparks from cutting torches and grinders in dry brush, but keep in mind flamable liquids, like put the gas away after draining gas tanks, outa range of sparks. Keep ur electrical cords in good shape and use heavy enough cords. Make sure loads are secure, nothin worse than hitting a bump and havin a load all over the road. Check ur brake and signal lights, it could save ya an expensive ticket if ya stop off for a cold one on the way home. Safety glasses, face shields, when using grinders, and leather gloves that protect ur hands. I've cut myself quite a few times on jaged metal or grabbing something that falls and bounces and gets my hands. Using a grinder makes noise, keep ear plugs handy, and possibly a dust mask to keep from breathin crap. I wake up in the night with ringing in my ears so loud I can't get back to sleep. a face shield is cheap insurance for ur good lookin face, or eyes I somehow got paint chips embedded in my corneas. If ya get on a ladder or something, make sure its stable. Just a few I thought of right now, I hope others will post some more, lets all keep each other and ourselves healthy and able to do it.