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never work with family.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    vamped400 started this thread.
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    Angry never work with family.

    sorry for my rant but here it goes. so my older brother (30) found a car (the talon ive talked about on here before) and we decided i was going to help him scrap it and we would split it. so this week i find out, not from him, that he scraps the car behind my back without explaining anything to me. yeah no big deal, but what pissed me off the most was i tought this guy everything i know about scrapping and was the guy who introduced him too it. the week before he called me about a different car he was scrapping and asked what to take off and stuff, and of course i told him everything that brings in more money. so the two lessons ive learned today is to keep everything you know to yourself (except for on here of course) and try to avoid working with family. -end rant

  2. #2
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your riff. I know I hate mixing it up with my siblings...... tears me apart. Hope you can patch it up with him firstly, and hopefully he'll understand you not helping him out anymore.

  3. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    That sucks vamped, what comes around goes around. Just keep doing what your doing and don't let that piss ant get to you.
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  4. #4
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    too bad vamped....I hate it for you and also hate it that I have no advice either. I just hope like KZ and Hypo said, that you can mend your fences and go on and learn from it.

  5. #5
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Money should never come between family. Yeah it may have been a sucker move but when it comes down to it and lets say you got hurt and couldnt work anymore. Its family that will be there for you. I mean it couldn have been more then a couple grand right? Now if it was a winning lottery ticket and he cashed it an ran ide have to hunt him down and open a case of whoop-a$$...

  6. #6
    vamped400 started this thread.
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    thanks guys. im for sure gonna have some hard feelings for a while but ill get over it. id understand if he gave me a call and explained he was in a pinch for money and needed to do it, but to do it without me knowing really set me off. but really this isnt the first time weve had a mix up due to scrapping but thats a different story. im gonna be a one man crew now i suppose lol

  7. #7
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    Hate that happened. Maybe he needed the money. Well where I'm from family is family. I would not do that or would my brothers do that to me. Good Luck

  8. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    -end rant
    Ok now give Hoss his soapbox back.
    One thing I've learned in my 60 some years on this earth is you don't mix money with family or friends. I think a friend will screw you over money faster than a stranger.

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  10. #9
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    some times the road is a little smother for us old farts, but that only becuse we have spent years hitting the pot holes. but then again us old dogs still get hit now and then. I have been concintrating on computers, the wife wants in, so ok no prob, then she wants the 2 boys to earn $ tearing them down, next half goes to who ever finds the computer , course then there is gas money, and parts and weqar and tear on the truck. by the time my family gets done "helping" me I figgure it will only cost me a grand or so a month more then Im making.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by vamped400 View Post
    keep everything you know to yourself (except for on here of course)
    Of course. Y'all are the first to know if I get any new ideas that might be helpful. But as far the people around you go...hold on to that knowledge. I know quite a few scrappers but most of em all deal in iron and bailing. They'd find a hole and make a bunch of loads for a quick buck. Every now and again they'd pass something my way. Say...TV's...or a microwave. Anything that they know is worth more but they just don't want to mess with it because of the danger in them. I'd take them and explain what I do to make them safe to work on. Next thing I know they're taking em apart themselves. And It's no surprise. Should've seen it comin and kept my big mouth shut. Got a window AC unit from a guy one week and the next week he scrapped one out himself before I even got to the one he gave me just because I had already looked it up and passed on the word to him. If anyone asks me about anything from now on I'm just gonna say, "'s pretty complicated. You should look it up." I'll bet 9 time out of 10 they don't even bother and just continue to pass stuff my way.
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  12. #11
    Mick's Avatar
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    Family will do it every time. One thing you CAN depend on.
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  13. #12
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    I try to look at it a different way. Now you know where you stand with him and he can't ever rip you off or cost you money again, unless you're so soft that you invite him to again, and this also is your get out of jail card with him. You now have no obligation to help him, lend him money, do anything at all for him.

    My girlfriend hates the way I cut people off and the way I don't forget when people cross us, because I never forget and even small things stay with me for a very long time. Nobody will burn me twice. I think this is a blessing fir you. Go out there and make a success of what you do and make him wish he had been a part of it.

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