So I was on the way home to my parents with a truckload of 2 washers and 3 dryers I had just picked up and my mom was with me this pickup trip out. Went through a neighborhood on the way to her house to offload and came across a house that looked like it had literally cleaned out the whole place to the curb. Waited until a car was done picking and pulled up drooling so heavily I needed a towel. Went to the door to ask (I always ask if they are out and knock if they aren't) and they're like ''go ahead, dont care.'' Now, my truck was full but I figured WTH I have straps and we are less than 2 miles from home. Piled as many bikes and misc garage stuff as I could into and onto the tops of the washers and dryers as I could that had the doors on top to get to to open and stuff full. Strapped down the first layer on top of the appliances and added as much more else as I could of big stuff for another layer all the while stuffing little stuff into any open space as I safely could. Ran out of room and started loading the cab of my truck. now, my mom is diabetic and has had both knees and hips replaced so she doesn't get out of the truck so i started loading behind my seat, between where we both sit, her lap and the floor by her feet. I even had stuff on the dash and in the door pockets - didnt want to take a chance at unloading and returning to someone else having been there. Put more stuff on her lap and figured i'd better stop while I still have room to maneuver the steering wheel lol. Had so much stuff in my cab I couldnt see my mom sitting next to me. Got to her house and my dad came out and we unstrapped first layer and off loaded it while my brother and his friend stood there with mouths agape. Started offloading and unstrapping second layer and I heard coming from the cab of my truck - ''uh, I can't get out can someone help me?'' *Facepalm* In all my excitement I had completely forgotten about my mom sitting in the truck!!!
so I had to offload her lap and around her legs so she could get out!!! Needless to say she said ''Your father can go with you next trip'' LOL! I tell ya what, they are both such good sports about this, my dad isn't in the best shape either but he will work his heart out helping me !
After off loading I went back on the chance nobody else had been there and picked up 4 push mowers and one riding mower plus more misc. small stuff and two more bikes. I got 6 bikes total, the mowers for the big stuff and a kerosene heater for MY home garage! It was a very lucky day and here I was thinking my only pickup that day was going to be the washers and dryers!
And I thank my lucky stars I invested in the longer and stronger straps that I did because what I first started out with were shorter and never would have been able to hold this load.