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the need to see the scale ?

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    the need to see the scale ?

    For a year I go some place i never see the scale / Except Copper SS & such but to day i went to a yard you see the scale and they do pay less but did seem to get $52 for what seemed like very little pull out of material of car . You know i got used to the feel of what i got $$ and what i pull out of car
    So if you can't see it i guess they can lie. now if i had a buddy with me he'd watch. but even i notice they seem to not want any one in desk area unless they are there for collection of $$

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Head View Post
    For a year I go some place i never see the scale / Except Copper SS & such but to day i went to a yard you see the scale and they do pay less but did seem to get $52 for what seemed like very little pull out of material of car . You know i got used to the feel of what i got $$ and what i pull out of car
    So if you can't see it i guess they can lie. now if i had a buddy with me he'd watch. but even i notice they seem to not want any one in desk area unless they are there for collection of $$

    I stand my happy butt by the desk drinking a water an I watch them unload my trailer.

    Its a perk when you start taking in a good load. But...if you get a company name (scrap hauler or something) then you can say your boss (you..but you dont need to tell them that) says that you have to watch the scales and take photos of all the weights...they will unload your crap as you do you "photo an paper work"

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Copper Dude I have Suggested this before in another thread What you should do is go and pay and have your Rig Weighed Empty With a Full tank of gas and Keep that Weight Ticket and when they weigh you see what they listed your empty weight as. Of course you can Subtract about 8 Lb for each Gallon of gas It will put you in a Neighbor Hood if they Cheating you. { And Of Course there Will be someone here that Disagrees with this way of Tracking Your Weight} I will give you a Hint on Scale Weights In order for any scrap yard it Don't matter what state has to Have Scales that are Approved {For Trade} and another thing most Don't Realize that all scales that is used in Any Business to Purchase has to have Stickers With the Certifying Authority In other words them scales they use to weigh your stuff better be Tracable to a Division of Bureau of Weights and Measures. And Some will even argue on this Point.

    Ok I am done with this thread

    You an me brother...are getting sick of repeating our selfs...

    all scales have to be checked to make sure they are they wright the true weight or not? that is why you HAVE to watch the scale.

  4. #4
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    I am not saying are they true, for me that's a no brainer , It's the people behind the desk they can see 5741 and put on your gross 5441, how do you know , they don't use a car license on bill and connect it to scale record, it's like they look at scale & note the bill " gray van" so that's the reference . I assume all scales are true at the big yards but it makes you feel better when you see the actual numbers.
    A yard that lies on the weigh out is to risky & i did test my car empty, it did match , It's the weigh in i am not sure of. I guess i could weigh each piece one day and see if it matches

  5. #5
    newattitude's Avatar
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    How are you guys not seeing a scale? You are driving onto a scale with the scrap in the vehicle? I've never seen this. The yard's I go to aren't like that. I don't think I'd like not being able to see what the numbers are when they weigh stuff.

  6. #6
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    On the drive up scales by me you can't see the weight. I have the average weight of my truck so I always check to make sure it is close. And I think that the scale rounds by 10 lbs. I am sure in there favor...

  7. #7
    Ohio Scrapper's Avatar
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    I never see the scales at my yard. Just drive on and drive off. I used to drive truck years ago and never got to see those scales either!

  8. #8
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    The yards that I go to have a digital readout right on the scale. When I pull on with a load I see the weight, when I empty and pull back on I can see the weight plus the difference.

  9. #9
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    Wow I feel so left out of things! lol. I dont know if I'd like not being able to unload and sort my stuff myself and have to t5rust they are giving you the right weights.

  10. #10
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    I meant no brainer as I always would assume scale is correct. by me we have 4 yards two show the digital scales & two don't .If one had a buddy sure it could be worked out to look fast during the weigh in & out but for sure if it happend with each and every customer there would be no room at desk. I feel it is a great gesture to have it so we can see scale readings since it seems not to be law.
    I can go with a load to the see the scale yard get rid of some items , then I'll go to can't see scale yard. & see if weights match
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-19-2011 at 09:10 AM.

  11. #11
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    I go to a few different yards for different items. One of the yards I use, I went to 4 times in one day. You can't see the scale but they write down the weight on your ticket. Now mind you I was only about 4 miles from this place and did not fill my tank at all during the trips. During the period of the day I never weighed the same but had as much as 60 pounds difference from the lowest to the highest and the last trip was the highest weigh in so gas had no factor. Funny thing is it seems like I make more at this yard than any other yard though.

  12. #12
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    If I was to make one more complaint concern - here it is -
    One of the yards i use have the indoor scale for Copper SS AL Brass etc. the scale is to jumpy - goes from 10 lbs to 13 lbs back and forth (they don't seem to wait for it to stabilize) since every thing happens so fast at the yard & believe me if you annoy the the yard men on the subject you will loose one way or another, I feel they work it to there benefit either on the item you sell or on the bucket you bring it in . Copper at $3up / your looking at $3 to $10 potential rip off .
    If the scale is not stopping, how do you know the true weight ? The scale in question they just got (new about month or two)
    Is this one of the games they play? or how about If the yard guy is in a lousy mood or envious gota keep it fare.
    So this is what i am going to do
    - FIRST - I will use strong plastic bags, that should stop the bucket weigh out.
    - SECOND - I will weigh out exactly 10 pounds of copper on my scale. To test I have an official weight & measures 10 lbs weight to go by ) I will use a clean plastic bag to hold copper . Then i can get a confirmed printed receipt from a local supermarket that has a self serve area to weigh veggies. The receipt will probably say potatoes

    If they pay me for more then 10 I'll have to decide what to do
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-21-2011 at 12:12 PM.

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