Police say man caught 100 feet in air stealing copper plates from cell phone tower
Read more: http://www.enterprisenews.com/archiv...#ixzz1VJfyH2io
Police say man caught 100 feet in air stealing copper plates from cell phone tower
Read more: http://www.enterprisenews.com/archiv...#ixzz1VJfyH2io
Even up here in Maine, thieves are breaking in substations.
People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.
From that artucle: “Copper theft is against the law, which is why CTIA and our member companies support tougher penalties,” said Amy Storey, a spokeswoman for CTIA-The Wireless Association, the international association for the wireless telecommunications industry.
Oh, really? Theft is against the law? Who would have suspected?
yeah who would have suspected? 26,000 dollars worth of wire was stolen from a warehouse near our facility. they had to climb an 8 foot barbed wire fence and break into the building and nobody saw this? The police were 2 blocks away at the time directing traffic into a nightclub and doing DUI checkpoint. I love what the police do for us (most of the time) but cmon let's protect businesses too that are struggling to survive.
Instead of 100 feet up they need to be 6 feet under!!!
Here's one that just wrapped up by me:
Now here's the thing - if you are driving down the road and see someone up a pole with no utility truck around or just working from a personal vehicle you dont think somethings OFF about that and call it in? Lol, this guy was ballsy thats for sure. He was taking the wire to the yard closest to me and they were working in conjunction with the police to capture this guy. He was following the railroad tracks and taking wire from the poles along them also.
There was also a theft that left over 2000 ppl without power until the lines could be restored. yeesh.
There's a case going on right now of someone stealing copper from the wind turbines that are going up in the area. Now the workers are working at night to install them just to protect their stuff.
No doubt that whoever it is will get caught since there aren't many yards around here, but anymore you kind of get the evil eye everytime you take copper in. It just makes it harder on us honest folks.
Here's our latest idiot.
Arrest Made In Catalytic Converter Theft
SYRACUSE – An early morning arrest may help police solve a string of thefts of catalytic converters from cars.
Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department Deputy's responded to Holle’s Wrecker Service, 7631 N. CR 600W, Syracuse, around 1:42 a.m. today.
The owner, said he had catalytic converters stolen from his lot all summer and Monday night decided to wait at the lot to see if anyone broke in.
According to police, the suspect was arrested after Holle saw him looking under vehicles with a flashlight.
When questioned,he said he was looking for tools he left there the day before.
The owner said he had no recollection of the suspect being there.
Found at the scene was a black bag with two reciprocating saws.
According to police, in the suspects vehicle were three hydrocodone pills, antibiotics and a pill bottle with a white substance identified as methamphetamine inside.
Also found were a saw, torch, ratchet set, four oxygen tanks, copper tubing and a police scanner.
He was charged with burglary, possession of a controlled substance and possession of methamphetamine. He is being held at Kosciusko County Jail on $5,000 bond.
Detectives are still investigating whether he is connected to other catalytic converter thefts both at Holle’s and in the area.
According to police, catalytic converters are often stolen then scrapped for cash.
I would caution you not to call in just anybody working up on a cell tower-many tower climbers do work from personal vehicles, just doing routine stuff like swapping the FAA beacon lightbulbs. I'm 100% against this, but I do have to say, it stimulates the economy. Rather than putting tower climbers at risk, it provides them work to go up and replace it all.
Just learned this morning a man who's like a dad to me is getting his house foreclosed upon. I can't seem to well up any sympathy for Bank of America or for that matter, Verizon or any other fat cat company today.
Their executives are getting millions regardless, and they'll screw you on your bill no matter what.
The bad part is stupid politicians overreacting and hurting legal scrappers like us with legal rigmarole. 99% of scrapping, and at least 90% of copper scrapping, is still legit. Just my 2 cents
You know, I'm very sorry to see anyone lose their home... but did B of A hold a gun to this guy's head? I'm sure good ol' B of A was a great bunch of guys the day they printed a big check so this man could have the American Dream... but now that he can't pay the bill they're a bunch of pricks that are supposed to eat the loss? Lack of personal responsibility is the reason the world is in the fix it's in.
By the way, your view on the work to fix the cell towers is flawed... it's called the "Broken Window Fallacy". Yes, it circulates money, but it doesn't stimulate the economy. It may put someone to work fixing the towers, but the money spent to do so comes from somewhere. It's money that would have otherwise been spent elsewhere putting someone else to work. CREATING something stimulates the economy. DESTROYING something never results in a net gain.
I hope Murt's friend didn't get sick. My thinking is that Murt wouldn't have such high regard for this man if he were a deadbeat.
"Police said the rise in thefts may have been prompted by a new law to take effect later this month that will require anyone selling copper to obtain a permit from the county sheriff."
anybody have something like this going on in there area? do they actually enforce it? i hope if its not extremely difficult to get a permit if this becomes a trend
I have a area I hunt , and i see some body stole 2 copper vent grills on a building which must have been there since 1950's , what dead beat jerks & what a wast - $30 for old grill architecture . I bet the owner would have paid $50 to not have it taken. Now I can't admire how amazing copper holds up to the elements of weather. Seeing those grills always inspired me to work harder, as i always could see a truth, copper is king - It holds up . WOW can't wait to see what replaces the copper grills
Last edited by Copper Head; 09-09-2011 at 10:22 AM.
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