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Just got another one: Go to a junk yard where I get batteries on a monthly basis - used to get 20 or so a month. Last several months he's been holding back, hoping I'd raise the price I pay. Stop in yesterday. Younger guy is glad to see me as the batteries are getting in the way. Older guy asks how much I'd pay - still $4. He wants to hold off as "somebody" offered him $10 a battery. I'm thinking to myself "Then why hasn't he sold them?". THEN - he let it slip that he almost had a "cube" (pallet worth or 48 batteries). The trick is that core buyers want at least three pallets/skids (144 batteries) at a time. At this rate, it'll take another two years to get a shipment built up. And if he thinks 40 or so batteries clutters up the place, wait till there's 144 of them laying around.
So, let me get this straight...you go to a junk yard, take batteries out, pay the junk yard, and then go get a few bucks more from the scrap yard right? If so, makes sense.
Also, what about doing it for aluminum tire rims that have no rubber on them? Would it be worth it for them, do you think?