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Ever love copper so much, to the point that it makes you sick? - Page 3

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  1. #41
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    I have heard of copper poisoning but never seen it , but it makes scene to wear gloves if you have a lot of copper you need to work with. wear them gloves next time

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  3. #42
    TheHoss started this thread.
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    Started me when i saw my old thread back in the new post area! Honestly, if you're handling copper just for an hour or so a day, no big deal. Heck, longer is probably fine too. I am "allergic" too copper. I got sick in high school when we made "beads" out of small copper tubing. (cut a small chunk, heat it up with propane torch, dip it in this powder color stuff, heat more) it put off this nasty smoke that made me sick as a dog, for weeks.

    Looking back, i know exactly how it got into my system. I read all the links provided by you guys, about how hard it is too detect, and how hard it is too even get into your system at high levels. When i worked on the degaussing cables, i was not in a ventilated area, and did not wear gloves, also didn't stop regularly too wash my hands. (Who does that when you're scrapping?!). Anyone who has unwrapped a degauss cable will know just how derned sticky some of them can be. You'll also notice small flakes of copper (and tarnish, i'm guessing) stuck to your hands with the glue. Well, working for 8-10 hours ONLY unwrapping, all the little cuts and dings in my hands would get filled up with this nasty glue-copper flake mixture. Holding it "on" my skin, and "in" the cuts. Also, when id take out/put in a dip, i didn't wash my hands. So the tobacco got touched with it as well.

    None of that is OSHA approved. LOL.

    Moral of the story: You're not going to get sick handling copper pipe all day with no gloves. You're not going to get sick working a wire stripper all day with no gloves. You WILL get sick, if you are allergic to copper and aren't smart enough to wash the **** glue-copper mixture off your hands.

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  5. #43
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    But at least you lived to tell about it.
    And blame me for bringing this back Hoss, as I had posted this in another thread.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  7. #44
    TheHoss started this thread.
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    It's better than some of my old topics that you could (AND DO!) bring up...... Hahaha.

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  9. #45
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Can't mention Hoss and not link it Mech, come on now. Your slipping there buddy.

    Allow me...

    Sirscrapalot - Hi Hoss!

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  11. #46
    Jillyenator's Avatar
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    This really is good information. I was reading along, thinking Hoss must have had some kind of unusual sensitivity - but that doesn't mean other people won't. Good to know.

    I recently got some gloves, mainly as I am convinced I'm going to slice my hands open on a circuit board if I keep trying to pry off the ICs. I'll remember to use the gloves when working with copper, then, too.

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  13. #47
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    Dang, I'm wearing a copper bracelet the do you think I have anything to worry about? Naa, I'm kidding. I do absolutely nothing without my gloves. That's my golden rule and I'm sticking to it. Thanks for the story.
    Your Trash-My Cash
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