About 5 yrs ago I bought an old 5th wheel travel trailer from a friend of mine. Him and his buddy had 10 acres that they shared. One of them passed and the other couldn't bring himself to live in it. Something about hearing his deceased friends voice in his head. This thing was a bit wore out and I had long given up the thought of repairing it last year. To this I started scrapping it the other day and during demolition I found an old revolver. It's an H&R Victor .38 manufactured between 1913-1936. Only worth about $50. I showed it to the guy I bought the trailer from. He proceeded to tell me the back story. Satch (our departed friend) liberated it from a police car in N.Y.City back in the 60's when he was 15. Last time my friend remembers seeing it, Satch would use casings with only a primer and a wad of tin foil and shoot flies inside the house. When I heard that I almost fell out of my chair laughing. Like I said it isn't worth much in money, but the the stories about it make me think about Satch and for that, it means much much more.