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hurricane Irene scrap removal..VENT

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    jerseyscrapper started this thread.
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    hurricane Irene scrap removal..VENT

    Hi guys, very frustrating day today.

    Went out to do some drive bys since this hurricane hit, came across a town that got hit hard,,, streets were loaded with metal, and appliances and misc stuff, is the issue... items are on the curb soooooo that's free pickens right? Well as I found out today no... I come up to this one house, I ask the lad" excuss me are these items garbage?, she goes yes they are but you can't have them..OK?!... WTF do you mean I can't have them, if they are on the curb there free to whoever right???..... so I got a little upset I called the police station in the town I was in,, the cop said it was illegal for me to take other peoples "trash from the curb" I said if its on the curb its trash and whoever wants to can take it.. she said no if we see you we will give you a ticket.. I said for wha????? She sais for being a scavanger??? I said screw you and hung up... I had enough and went home, going to do some research tomorrow and hit the streets again.. .. any body have any type of situation like that happen to them? Sorry for the long post I needed to vent..
    *i have scrap metal running through my blood and i love it*

  2. #2
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    Yep people are so snooty "You're stealing my trash".
    Walk a mile in my shoes, ya gotta think.

  3. #3
    jerseyscrapper started this thread.
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    Yeah cause I'm making millions of your washer, and dryer meanwhile he has a mercedes parked in the drive way giving me "****" like I'm a criminal or murderer... man my blood pressure was HIGH today to say the least....
    I'm going to go out there again tomorrow, when there @ work .. surprise ,surprise biatches!

  4. #4
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    Never had that problem. But in joplin people were getting tickets for pick up metal and they were calling it looting.

  5. #5
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    I live in Louisiana where we are certainly no stranger to hurricanes. I've been scrapping for about a year now. And I gotta tell ya I've never made a profit from other peoples misfortune like that. It's low down man. These people just lost everything. They're trying to salvage whatever they can to put their lives back together. Leave them alone. And yes, here too, it's called looting. And it's criminal!!

  6. #6
    jerseyscrapper started this thread.
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    Ok, i understand they lost a lot, from what i heard all of them has flood insurance, its freakin dumb im trying to help the town, help the people **** i even offered free labor to get it out of there basements, and what not,
    its just pathetic when they put it out on the curb, and tell me its garbage but i cant have it..??? ok. WTF is the differance between me and the garbage man???? i dont get it...

    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejackjr View Post
    I live in Louisiana where we are certainly no stranger to hurricanes. I've been scrapping for about a year now. And I gotta tell ya I've never made a profit from other peoples misfortune like that. It's low down man. These people just lost everything. They're trying to salvage whatever they can to put their lives back together. Leave them alone. And yes, here too, it's called looting. And it's criminal!!

  7. #7
    jerseyscrapper started this thread.
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    Correct, when they said now i said ok thanks for your time and moved on... some of the people were flagging me down on the road!!!!.. they had there kids running up to me and asking me to come and take there items away... im going to drive by again maybe today..

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    If I am not Mistaken He asked the Home Owner And The Home Owner Said He Couldn't have them I Would like to think at that Point he left without the Stuff. {if You Ask and you Get a No from the Home Owner and You Leave without Anything I don't see where that is Looting}.

    On Another Note I Understand where you are comming from they Just Lost their stuff Give them time to figure stuff out. We had a Wild fire Down here Burnt Lots Homes Lots Of Metal and Old Cars I Figured I Give People a Month To Adjust and go out and Offer to Buy the Stuff Low N Behold there was Scrappers out there Purchasing the Stuff 2 Days after the Fire And People were Selling Their Burnt up Stuff. { Me I Didn't Have the Stomach to Go and ask People if they Wanted to Sell their Scrap So Soon after they Lost EveryThing.} I Didn't Get any of the Scrap But I Did Sleep good.

  8. #8
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    This has been discussed on here before and it's really not that complicated, you just need to strike a deal with the home owner. At that point it becomes a business transaction between you and the homeowner and the problem is solved. Act and look professional and don't expect that everyone is going to just give you their stuff. No need to call the police when McDonalds is out of Chicken Nuggets.
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  10. #9
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    Are they really going to recycle it or put it in a landfill. If I could be my neighbor hood to give me all there metals but there is always that one a$$ hole the ruins it.

  11. #10
    jerseyscrapper started this thread.
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    went to the yard today, yeah i saw about 5 hughe trucks from public works... so its ok for the town to take the scrap but not for us... What is the town doing with them money and how is it any different that what we are doing, also its ok for us to get scrap every other day but when there is a shiiit ton then its against the law??? ---these towns and the idiots that put up all the signs about being prosecuted when caught. I'll take my chances!
    Last edited by Mick; 09-01-2011 at 08:28 AM. Reason: Disguised obsenity

  12. #11
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    Many towns in NJ have local ordinances prohibiting trash collecting by scrappers/recyclers, they feel it brings a bad element into the town. They obviously never met me.

  13. #12
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    "these towns and the idiots that put up all the signs about being prosecuted when caught. I'll take my chances!" and that is the attitude that causes scrapper ordinances to be promulgated.

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  15. #13
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    the issue is that the items have been pulled out of the house and are now on desplay for the insurance companies to do their evaluations. without the whole load of junk, each family's damage would be undervalued. they need the junk until they can settle their insurance claims.

    i too am from jersey and i was chased off last night by police who kindly (sarcastic) explained it to me.
    your best bet is to give them your number and tell them to get in touch with you when they are ready to have it removed.
    network now... load up later.

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  17. #14
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    "If I am not Mistaken He asked the Home Owner And The Home Owner Said He Couldn't have them I Would like to think at that Point he left without the Stuff. {if You Ask and you Get a No from the Home Owner and You Leave without Anything I don't see where that is Looting}." Wrong. The homeowner said NO and he says "WTF". Then he calls the police and tells them "screw you" Then he says he'll be going back tomorrow after being told by the POLICE it is ILLEGAL!? Are you kidding me? Leave it alone man. But, he also says " ---these towns and the idiots that put up all the signs about being prosecuted when caught. I'll take my chances!" It's scrappers like this that give all scrappers a bad rep. Oh well, take your chances. Me? I'd rather make an honest buck.

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  19. #15
    vamped400's Avatar
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    go grab it at night. FTW

  20. #16
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    If the owner said no, then stop hatching schemes on how to go get it. Go find people that WANT you to haul their metals away.

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  22. #17
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    As Kris Kringle said offer to pay for large items, then I am sure they will be more likely to give you other metal items. Also I would think that someone who had no insurance to cover losses would definatly not want to give anyone anything...

  23. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    I am sorry I Didn't know you was actually there to see him take the stuff when the Home Owner told him No. So Tell me what Did the Home Owner Do when he Loaded up the Stuff? Did She Say the was going to Report him? Did They Take Down His License Number?
    Didn't say I was there. Didn't say he took the stuff. Infact I said I live in Louisiana. Why don't you go back and read his original post? Or learn to comprehend what is written. Look, all I'm saying is give the people a chance to figure out how they are going to move forward. He asked some folks and they said yes. That's great. No problem with that. Just remember that in the aftermath of a hurricane or any natural disaster emotions run high. Nerves are on edge. People are confused. I sincerely do not wish a hurricane on you or anyone else. So we as scrappers should show some compassion and consideration. We do have a service to offer to people everywhere. We shouldn't tarnish our own reputation by being anything less than human.

  24. #19
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    once again

    that thing that makes my butt pucker, I posted a nice sensable logical post to this thread only to be lost by a glitch on the thred the said I wasent logged in after confirming I was. so let it suffice to say NO means no even if it dosent make any sence.

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  26. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    that thing that makes my butt pucker...
    never heard that $#!t before. nice one, olddude

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