Hi guys, very frustrating day today.

Went out to do some drive bys since this hurricane hit, came across a town that got hit hard,,, streets were loaded with metal, and appliances and misc stuff, ....here is the issue... items are on the curb soooooo that's free pickens right? Well as I found out today no... I come up to this one house, I ask the lad" excuss me are these items garbage?, she goes yes they are but you can't have them..OK?!... WTF do you mean I can't have them, if they are on the curb there free to whoever right???..... so I got a little upset I called the police station in the town I was in,, the cop said it was illegal for me to take other peoples "trash from the curb" I said if its on the curb its trash and whoever wants to can take it.. she said no if we see you we will give you a ticket.. I said for wha????? She sais for being a scavanger??? I said screw you and hung up... I had enough and went home, going to do some research tomorrow and hit the streets again.. .. any body have any type of situation like that happen to them? Sorry for the long post I needed to vent..